Dark paradise

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I can't exactly describe how I was feeling, after finding out my mother died. My heart screamed in pain and yet, there was complete silence. I can't quite put it into words, but I know that I died and yet, i'm still alive.
I have been in my room since yesterday evening, I felt hopeless.
My mother once told me something when we were getting abuse by my father; One day you will wake up and your mornings won't feel as heavy, the birds will sound beautiful again and the sun will rise as it always has, but this time you won't hide your face under the pillows and ask it to leave. One day you won't feel hopeless.

Dante did check on me a few times
why does he even care.

"Let's go" Dante came outta nowhere
"What's wrong with you, man. Where are we going this time" He rolled his eyes at me and picked me up on his shoulder, and we went downstairs
"What the fuck?! put me down, Dante" I raised my voice
"You talk too much" He was wearing a suit like always. I somehow managed to kick him in the stomach to let me down, It worked
"Let me at least change" I said annoyed.
He looked at me up and down
"Nah, that fit is fine"
I was wearing a hoodie and sweatpants.


"Why do I have to come" I asked angrily. Buckling in my seatbelt
"Don't you ever shut your month"

"I do, but how are you supposed to know that when you barely even spend time with me" I argued back.
He blankly stared at me "look at the road, we will get into an accident" I was nervous as hell.

"Then shut your mouth, young lady." He said looking back on the road.
After a good 20 minutes we finally arrived
"Get out" I did as he said.
Bridal shop?
"Dante what are we doing here" I took a step back.
"The weddings tomorrow, pick a dress, sweetheart" He said with a smirk on his face
"Are you serious? My mother just died and you still wanna have a wedding?" how can he be so cruel.
"Honey, look at me. Do I genuinely look like I give a shit?" I was speechless.
"Hurry up, we don't have the whole day"

"Too revealing" he said and looked down on his phone." We have been here for over two hours now because we haven't found a dress HE liked.
He was getting on my nerves.
I tried a few more and finally he liked one
"This one is perfect" he came towards me
"isn't it too much though" He chuckled and rolled his tongue against the inside of his cheek, omg and whispered in my ear
"Let me remind you my dear future wife. You're getting married to a mafia boss, it's never too much" Shiver ran down my spine.

The dress:

I was so exhausted that I eventually feel asleep in the car

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I was so exhausted that I eventually feel asleep in the car.
"Why did you kill me, what was the reason SOFIE"
"You are a murderer, you don't deserve to live"
"If they find you, you'll die you know that right AHHAHAHHA"
Stop, I had to, please leave me alone

"Wake up, love" I could hear Dante.
"It's just a nightmare, wake up" I woke up trying to catch some air
"here drink some water, sshhh" he held a cup of water for me.
"i'm sorry, i'm sorry I'm sorry" I keep repeating it
"Lay down and tell me, sweetheart" I lied back down on my bed. I looked at him and asked
"tell you what?"
"what are you sorry about? what happened in your nightmare?" I can't tell him.
"Mmmh, nothing" I was extremely nervous.
He looked deadly in my eyes, I tried to avoid the eye contact.


I knew she was hiding something from me. I have to find out what it is as soon as possible.

Tomorrow is the wedding and I didn't want to make a scene the day before, so I just left her room without asking more questions.
I called Luke "Listen carefully" I locked the door to my office and sat on my chair "Yesssss sir" He said jokily
"I'm dead serious,Luke. Jokes aside and listen to me. Are you hearing me?" I suggested.

"Yes, i am. Tell me what you want from me and consider it done" I trusted Luke I was impressive of how fast he finds everything and everyone for me.
"Sofie is hiding something dangerous from me, find more stuff about her and specially Michael windward"
"haven't we already done that?" He asked confused.
"Not enough, there must be more we don't know about them" I was sure about it.

"okay, i will do it. oh hey man, your wedding is tomorrow and there will be many people who'll observe Sofie. Be careful" he sounds worried.
I already knew that, being in the mafia comes with a lot of responsibilities, I knew what i was about to put Sofie through, but I can't let her go. Kidnapping and raping is very common in the industry. As soon people finds out what your weakness is, they will use it against you.
"I'll have my securities everywhere, no one will be able to ever harm Sofie, don't worry."
I'll kill anyone who dares to even touch one hair of Sofie's head.

End of meWhere stories live. Discover now