Chapter 6-For something great?

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I was really happy about my families reaction to this. They didn't worry at all and were just happy that the candle gave me, or so Abuela called it, a special blessing. Now I just had to tell them about those creepy men, who were going to destroy the village. How hard could that be?

I woke up, the morning after telling my family about my second gift. I relaxed in the warm water with Lana and looked up at the pink clouds. I couldn't have asked for anything more than this. After my bath, I got dressed and headed down to the kitchen. Julieta was making breakfast and I offered to help. She accepted that and together we made bread and pancakes.

"Tía, don't you ever get tired baking and cooking every day." I asked and put some bread on the table.

Julieta chuckled. "Of course I do. But I remember that I am doing this to help, and how happy people are with what I can do. And that's enough for me." She said and smiled.

Once again the family ate together breakfast. We did that a lot, but not always. Abuela talked to Dolores about her pregnancy, and Julieta, Pepa and Bruno laughed at something, while I talked to Antonio.

"Why do you think I got Lana? You are the animal guy." I said as I munched on a egg.

"Not sure, really." Antonio said and gulped down a piece of toast. "I don't think she knows any more than you do." He shrugged and continued eating.

"Elena?" I heard Abuela ask and I turned to her. "Would you mind taking us to your room after breakfast, and show us your other gift?"

Everybody at the table now looked at me but I didn't mind. "Yes, of course." I said and smiled, excited to show them what I could do.

After breakfast I led everybody to my room. I had thought only Abuela or my parents wanted to come, but turns out that all the family was interested in my second gift.

I opened my door and we stopped, not walking out on the clouds, and I looked down at the water. "Lana?" I called and instantly heard her beautiful singing.

Lana came flying, or swimming, I never knew what to call it, up from the clouds and stopped in front of us.

"Hey, chica." I chuckled and stroked her. "Come on, everybody up." I said and climbed onto Lana's back. I was afraid that Lana couldn't hold us all, but she flew down with ease, once everybody were on. Lana was able to land softly on the water, only sending few small splashes onto my family.

"Elena, amor, what are you going to do?" My dad spoke and looked down at the water.

"You see the small glitters down there at the bottom?" I said and pointed at the bottom, where the crystals could just be seen. "I am just going to fetch some crystals for you, and take a lot of time, so you can see that I can breathe underwater." I smiled and my mom came up to me.

"Be careful." She said softly.

"Hey don't worry, I've done it before." I said with confidence and jumped in the water. I immediately felt peace within me. It was so relaxing swimming around in the water, almost nothing could be see or heard. Except the crystals, I could see them, of course. I swam slowly down to the bottom, enjoying the warm water.

I took my time in finding nice crystals for each and everyone in the family. I found a very shining ones for my parents, one yellow and one orange. For Antonio I got a big, smooth, green crystal, Abuela got a small purple one, Mirabel got a white crystal, Dolores and Camilo both got golden ones, Julieta and Augustín got big blue ones, Luisa got a smooth, turquoise coloured crystal and Bruno got a dark green one with smaller lighter crystals. 

Finally I started to swim up with all my crystals and stopped just under the surface. I got a fun idea and giggled. I moved one hand just out of the water and threw one crystal at my family. I heard small gasps through the water and then soft chuckles as I waved my hand.

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