Chapter 18: Make Ups?

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The second Noah pulls into our driveway, I storm and out of his Jeep, closing the door with authority.

"You're being ridiculous!" He hollers.

Stoping, I spin to look his way. "I'm being ridiculous, really?"

With a small shrug he says, "yeah."

Honestly why would he ask me to dance, tell me he can't get me out of his head, almost kiss me, then say we have to leave? It should be a crime to give someone mixed feelings. So yeah, I'm angry.

"You know what, Noah?" I walk towards him with purpose, angry eyes boring in his. "I don't care what you think of me."

He doesn't seem fazed in the slightest bit, I'd say he looks pretty amused.

"Why are you angry, Skyler?"


Why am I angry?


Why would he ask me that?

Arg! This guy infuriates me.

"Don't tell me you took what I said back there seriously."

Wait a second...

He wasn't serious? When he said he hasn't been able to get me out of his mind since we met? Was he just honestly playing with me? Why? To see my reaction maybe? And I gave the bastard exactly what he wanted.

My mouth opens but nothing sensible comes out. "I--I urm--"

"You're not my type, I already told you." He bitterly cuts me off.

Nothing on you interests me. Those same words that made me cry last time ring in my head.

All he does is spit venom and it always hurts me. I let it hurt me. My lip quivers and I feel my eyes start to sting with tears.

"Don't tell me you're about to cry."

No, not again. Noah will not be the reason I cry. Hell no, he's just a boy and his words will only go as far as my ears.

Taking deep breaths, I will the tears back and look dead in his eyes.

"You think I'm attracted to you, really?" A bitter laugh escapes me, "I don't give a damn about you. So fuck you and your lame pickup lines, fuck your messed up mindset, fuck your attitude. Just fuck you!"

He gives me this weird look, void of any emotion that leaves me feeling cold and empty before he hops back in his car and speeds off down the road.

I let out a loud angry scream when the tail lights disappear by the corner, but that's a bad idea cause I hear a dog bark, making me rush inside in the house.

I swear I hate that guy. Despise. Loathe.

Leaning my back against the door, I sigh. It's so much warmer in here. Wait. Pause. My eyes snap open. The door was unlocked and Dad isn't home. Just when my panic mode is about to set in, I notice a familiar face by the kitchen counter.


What the hell?

"What are you doing here?" I look around, "who let you in?"

"Your Dad did," he responds. "He was around when I got here."

"What do you want?"

His eyes look warmer, softer, like... the Lucas I knew.

He stands, trying to get closer, "can we tal--"

"I'm not interested in whatever you have to say," I cut him off, "I don't wanna hear it, and I'm honestly very tired so you can leave now."

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