Ch. 27, Dagger

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Of course the box had been underwater before. This was the water level.

Skull said the trial always had something to do with water.

The scent of salt, comforting before, now burned in my nostrils. If this box had been underwater before, then, in all likelihood, it was going to be underwater again. With us in it. Oh Bloody Beast, Xyla, what the hell is this place?

"Do you have any idea what the Pucker Letter Trial is?" My mind had snapped into engineering mode as I quickly ran my fingers over the cold metal of the cuff connecting us.

"It always has something to do with water. But they change it each time, to keep the betting pools strong."

Of course they do. "That's good, for us at least."

"How so?"

"The others don't know what it will be either. They don't have an advantage over us, even if they are Puckers." It wasn't much of an advantage, which meant I needed to hurry. "How many rounds are there? And how many people move up?"

His answer came at once. "It's not like the Tuv Pit, there's no preliminary rounds— they set a number of allowed survivors each Trial. The harder the Trial is, the more victors are allowed to ascend. But the higher the number, the more difficult the trial. Anything over four and usually no one survives."

I suddenly wished I hadn't asked. Work now—worry later. A favorite saying of Yaneli's.

"Don't move," I said and leaned forward, took Dagger's hand in mine, and turned. He started, then tensed when I twisted so that I was pressed tight up against his chest, using what little room there was to hold both our arms in front of us.

"What are you doing?" His body was stiff, voice shocked.

"Picking the lock on our cuffs," I mumbled, a detached piece of my arm in my mouth. "Whatever the Trial is, it'll be easier if we're separated."

Silence fell between us, sounds from outside so muffled and distant they seemed to barely exist. I was hyper aware of the feel of his body against mine, his chest rising and falling, pressed tight against my back, but I ignored it, running my fingers slowly over the lock. I knew every gear and part of my arm, the dark wasn't a problem for that—it was figuring out the lock. I wished I would have gotten a better look at it.

"Can I help?" he said after a few moments of silence.

"Hold out your other hand. You can hold parts for me. Just don't drop them."

His body moved, lifting his other hand and I reached out for his palm. I touched wide hands and long, calloused fingers, glad he couldn't see the blush creeping up my neck. Absurd, to blush here, in a Letter Trial, but I guess that was my life now: totally absurd. I placed a tiny screw in the center of his palm and his fingers folded over it, and for just a moment, mine.

"I'm Dagger."


"An interesting choice." His voice was careful, almost formal despite the fact we were pressed against each other.

I realized that this could be a very dangerous conversation for all those in the Belly who had protected me—if anyone was listening in on us. Was there any way for the guards, or anyone watching this trial, to look up the information on my destroyed chip and discover it wasn't mine? Did it even matter? We were all unlettered now. I kept my voice light and dismissive, just in case.

"Not really. I was the last one standing in the Tuv Pit."

"I thought that was me."

(DUN DUN DUN! So, what do you think of Dagger and Z together? Do they make a good team, or are they going to literally kill each other? ;) Let me know what you think!

Thanks so much for reading! i hope you're enjoying the story, I'm really enjoying getting to share the story with you, especially now that we are getting close to another Trial. Give me your theories on what they're going to have to do to survive, and whether they are going to work together or against eachother. 

Next week is the launch of THE LAST CITY, so I'll be taking over the Wattpad Books Instagram and giving you all a look into my life as an author, and show some physical places around Boise that inspired the book. 

Have a great weekend! ;) Best,H.J.Nelson)

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