Rise and Fall of Ark Nations

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The High Letter Trials (of the levels E, F, G, H and I) are one of the more fascinating trials to observe in the Beast. While the lower trials combatants fight one to two times, with the rare survivors progressing to the next Letter Trial, the Highs alone began a system where contestants could win their freedom without progressing onto the next Letter Trial. Some say this is because the High were blessed with lesser crime, and thus lesser criminals. Others say it was because more violent criminals could be sent down to the lower letter trials. I believe the true reason is a bit more complicated. While the Letter Trials serve as justice, they also represent hope: the long ago but never forgotten American ideal that with enough hard work anyone can change their life for the better. The weekly High Letter Trial alone allows for the crowd to come to love (or hate) their competitors, and, in the rare times they win their freedom, to feel a sense of that victory themselves.

It was declared by the 7th great Admiral, Ares Alvaro, that any combatant who survived a year of the weekly High letter trials, roughly 52 trials, could retire to a life of peace instead of progressing to the Top Letter Trial. Over the decades, thirty-seven combatants have done just that. Eight more were granted their freedom early, after spectacular displays of courage, bravery or, in the case of the Eel, treachery unlike ever seen before.

                                                                                          - The Fall of Earth and the Rise of the Ark Nations

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