Ch. 77, The Final Level

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Skull and I both watched as he paced back to his father's side, and knelt beside him. "The acting Admiral has to hold the passage to the next level open." He stared down at his father, like he saw something disappointing. "The only rule given to the Admiral is that a male and female pair must ascend together." Then he bent over his father's body, opened the top of his uniform and pulled a thin chain from his neck and ripped it free. Both Skull and I recoiled, but Dagger didn't flinch, and when he stood, I saw the necklace held a collection of skeleton keys.

He tossed it to Skull, who caught it with a look of shock.

"The keys to the Beast. The gold one opens the gateway to the next trial... and to Level A."

Skull looked down at the keys like he held the weight of the whole world in his hands. Maybe he did. Then something shifted in his eyes, and he took a deep, slow breath, his voice even when he turned to Dagger. "How do I open the passage?"

Dagger pointed. "Behind the Bible on the wall. You'll see a keyhole."

Skull walked to the wall, pulled the bible away, and after a moment of fumbling, inserted a key. At first nothing happened. Then, on the far side of the room, the fireplace mantle began to shift, deep metallic groans filling the room, as what looked like marble revealed itself as an intricately concealed gateway.

The flames died away, and there, where the flames had burned, stood a narrow hallway that disappeared into darkness.

"Do you know what's down there?" I whispered. The final Letter Trial? Level A? The center of Hell? All of the above?

Dagger stared into the darkness. "No."

Behind us, Skull called out. "Last chance, little fox. You could always send the Dagger up and stay here. The Beast could use a queen."

Dagger paused beside me. "He's right, I could go alone."

I swallowed and held out my flesh hand, barely enough breath to whisper, "Team Zagger till the bitter end, remember?"

Dagger took my hand in his, the press of them together filling me with courage.

We stepped forward into darkness, ascending to the final level of the Beast. 

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