Ch. 66, Lyla

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 Dagger led us through brightly lit, white corridors, thick with crowds. If his goal was for others to see us, then objective achieved. The Highs watched us with bright eyes and even brighter clothes, growing silent as we came closer, and then whispering excitedly as we passed.

"They know we can hear them, right?" I said, wondering if maybe I should take up hissing like Lizard.

"It's good for them to see us. If we want to get to the Top, we need their favor."

Good for them to see us, or good for them to see us together? I suddenly felt tired. It was either because of my distracted thoughts, or because I was trying to figure out where the music playing through the hallways came from, that I didn't notice where we were going until we stood before the door of the club Xyla worked in.

My voice was cold. "I already told you Xyla won't fight with us."

"I know. We're not here to persuade her."

"Then why are we here?"

Dagger looked over her shoulder, as if to check no one was watching, but then looked at his feet, his hands, anywhere but me. He's nervous. It was such a strange revelation I actually managed to hold my silence and wait for what he had to say. Finally, he looked up at me and cleared his throat. "The last thing I ever said to my sister was— " He stopped, voice catching, " — unkind. Even if we survive this Trial, and move on to The Top, it'll just be the two of us." He stepped forward, and took my hands in his. "No one ever has ever come back from the Top Letter Trial. This is your last chance to make things right between you." Those dark eyes meant mine and said the words that hit me like a punch to the chest. "And to say good-bye."

I looked away, giving me a moment to gather myself. Yes, I was angry at Xyla for choosing not to fight for us. I was more angry that I'd found her, only to lose her all over again. But it's better this way, isn't it? Too know she'll be happy here? To know she finally got what she wanted? I didn't have answers, so I nodded and tried for a bit of levity. "Are you sure this isn't a really convoluted plan for you to see some half-naked women before we die?"

His smile was slow, but understanding. He stepped away from me and reached into his Trial pants pocket and flipped a coin at me, that I caught on instinct, the magnets on my fingers pulling it close. I stared down at the coin within, the face of the Admiral staring back at me in silver.

"You might need that," he said.

"What, you aren't coming? The place is full of beautiful, scantily clad women." What the actual hell are you saying? Shut up!

Dagger only smiled, and settled against the wall. "There's only one woman I'm interested in. I'll be here."

With those words ringing in my ears, I pulled the door open and stepped inside. There's only one woman I'm interested in. Was he talking about me? Then the sound of piano music swelled, undercut by deep voices and a thick cloud of tobacco smoke. Dagger's words faded. I bit back a cough and strode forward into the dimly lit interior.

A man played a piano in the corner, less people here than before. I watched for Paren, but instead an older woman, clad in an elegant black dress, swept up to me. Her eyes flicked over my red uniform, to my single messy braid, and then to my face. Her face bore no emotion, though I felt as if she'd taken my measure in an instant.

"How may I help you?"

"I'm looking for Xy—Lyla."

Her eyes narrowed, and I ground my teeth together to keep myself from mumbling out some half formed reason. Instead I kept my back straight and eyes leveled on her.

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