Fall of Earth and Rise of Ark Nations

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The K-guards of the Beast, named after their level K origin, are one of the most interesting levels of the Beast. Their leaders are dubbed Kaptains with a K instead of a C, and they alone have access to every level on the Beast (excluding level A, which only the Admiral may freely move to and from).

K-guards act as peace-keepers, law enforcers, and unbiased judges in upholding the sacred laws of the Beast. They are also at the forefront of preaching the importance of the Letter Trials, both by supplying combatants and managing each trial. By raising and training K's on a single level, and then shipping them out to assigned levels, it assures no bias or favoritism is shown when they deploy to other levels.

Training to become a K-guard is both mentally and physically rigorous, and not all persons on level K are suited for the job. A few move into administrative work or other such tasks. However, most often failing or disgraced K-guards are sent to the Belly of the Beast (levels W, X, Y and Z) in hopes the conditions will inspire and motivate them to excel and be reassigned to a higher letter. Though I have never personally visited, the Belly is well known from its thick, nearly debilitating smog, strenuous conditions, and often contradictory and backward people (whom have adapted to such conditions).

- The Fall of Earth and the Rise of Ark Nations

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