Ch. 45, The Serpent's Bloom

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 I turned the flyer over, examining the front and back, but there were no further clues besides the picture of the blissful couple and the writing. My mind spun. I'd heard of Cryosleep, years ago, as a possible solution for some of the higher levels who wanted to be preserved until we made it to Second Earth. But most of the discussion from the other engineers had been dismissive and mocking; it required a massive amount of resources and maintenance to preserve a person that way— so much so that it was written off as impossible. So why did this flyer tell a different story?

And why had I never heard any discussion of an entire level being put in Cryosleep? Was that even possible?

I turned the paper over, hoping for some other clue. Nothing. I could feel Dagger's eyes on me, so I resisted the urge to open the necklace and instead opened the Bible, pretending to read while really I thought.

If the Bible was the first Adam and Eve, then was I looking for a serpent? Or a flower? Or were the people in the picture meant to be Adam and Eve? Was the cryosleep pod the tomb? I exhaled in frustration. I needed Xyla, or someone to talk the whole thing over with, to find the angle I was missing. Because there had to be something I was missing. I tapped my flesh fingers on the Bible, thinking.

Dagger suddenly grabbed my hand, stopping the drumming of my fingers. I was shocked at the sudden touch, the flesh to flesh contact. He lifted a finger to his lips, and finally I heard it too.


Cold trickled down my spine. Maybe it was just another library goer? Then a strange, haunting voice carried down the corridor, rising and falling.

"Z, oh Z, come out to play."


Dagger took off down the corridor and I followed, both of us running light-footed and swift. I could hear others now, calling out to us, laughing and mocking. Did they have weapons? How many were there? I had led us like rats to be cornered. But Dagger kept running, which I hoped meant he knew the way out.

We turned the next corner, greeted by a fountain with water gurgling inside. Dagger stopped, and I almost asked why when I heard it. Footsteps. Coming from further down the tunnel in front of us.

"They've got people waiting for us," Dagger said. "I'm not going to die running. We meet them here."

Meet them here. As in fight, and die here. The realization brought a new panic to my thoughts, my heart pounding in my throat. I spun, taking in the hallway. There had to be something...

The water played a soothing melody, contrasting with the footsteps and mocking laughter drawing closer. Odd to have a fountain here. I glanced down at the sinuous carvings etched into the stone. Snakes. But instead of forked tongues, something odd twisted out of their mouths...


Beneath the serpent's bloom.

"Dagger, help me!" I dropped the Bible on the edge of the fountain and began to run my hands over the fountain and the floor. How many hours had Xyla and I wasted looking for a passage to another level? And now here I was, placing my final hope in one.

"What are you doing?" He didn't move to help me.

My hand roamed over the stone fountain, when suddenly I felt a slight tug from the magnets in my fingertips. I followed the magnetic pull and pressed the flower on one of the snakes. There was a slow grinding noise as a hidden door sprung open, set behind the fountain, and revealing a narrow, spiral staircase that led straight down. Already the door began to close.

I grabbed the Bible and jumped into the stairwell. "Dag! Quick!"

I saw the fear flash in his eyes, at the confined space and the closing door. The voices grew closer and louder. At the last second he stepped inside, and the door closed, sealing us into perfect darkness. His breathing picked up.

"What now?" His voice was unsteady. I smiled, and took the Bible in one arm, his hand in the other. I was a Belly rat. Dark, small spaces were more comfortable to me than open ones. I pulled him after me.

"Now, we descend." 

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