Ch. 82, Skull

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People of the Beast, you have been deceived!

But no longer.

We begin a new world, led by Skull,

a leader who will make us strong once again.

No longer will the lower letters be punished!

No longer will you fight over scraps!

Tomorrow The Skull Trials begin

... And the guilty will be punished.



(Thank you so much for reading--I hope you enjoyed The Belly of the Beast! If you enjoyed reading it, please do share the story with others.  

I know I left the story on a little bit of a cliff hanger, so if you'd like the story to continue, please share and encourage others to read! :D 

Thank you again for reading. I hope you have enjoyed the journey as much as me!

Till our next adventure. 

-H.J. Nelson)

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 25, 2023 ⏰

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