
Y/n's POV:
I waited in the bus wondering when daron would suddenly arrive to pick me up. I heard the screeching of breaks outside of our bus and lept off my bunk.

It was exactly who I was hoping it was. Daron. (and the other members but this ain't about them.)

The second I saw them my heart rate increased. My palms were sweating, knees weak, arms were heavy. (I'm so sorry).

As I walked out to greet him I was pushed aside by Marcel running out to see Serj. I started walking again until Isaiah ran passed me jumping like a school girl to see John.  Once I FINALLY was making my way towards Daron, Shavo jumped infront of me, exited to see me.

Shavo and I have been really close since we met. Infact I was close with all of them except Daron. However I was always closest to Shavo. I guess the fact we play the same instrument contributed to that, plus the fact we were pretty much forced into speaking by Marcel. 

Shavo was holding me off from who I needed to see so I needed to cut this conversation short.

"Hey dude I needa go.. you know.. say hi to my date?" I stated trying not to come off rude. "Oh yea dude I got you." He made way and I finally got to see Daron.

He was dressed like it was just some other day, Blue jersey and black jeans. He looked hot as hell I'm not gonna lie but it now seems like he doesn't care about this as much as I do. 

"Uh hey Y/n. You ok there?" He snaps me out of my thoughts with his soothing voice.

"Huh..? Yea, fine.." I don't wanna be a downer so I just keep the thoughts inside and go with him to his bus. He's taking me out inside the bus while his membes stay with mine. My bed being taken by Serj, the extra bed going to Shavo, and John got the couch. 

Daron helped me into the bus and told me to make myself comfortable so I asked which bunk was his. "The bottom one on the left. Why..?" He asked furrowing his brows. I walked over to it and layed down as if it were nothing. I look up at him and I see a faint blush on his cheeks then hear him whisper something to himself before he went to the drivers seat and drove away.


After we finnished eating at this resturaunt he took me to, we went back into the bus to hang out since I'd be spending the night there. 

"Ya know.." I started. He looked at me wanting me to finnish. "I had fun today.." He paused for a minute then smiled at me. "Yea.. I did too.."

I sat up and looked at him and he did the same but to look at me. Next thing I know I feel his soft lips against mine. It was so magical.. When we pull away I could only say one thing.

"Wow.." "Yea.. Wow.." he says right after me.

I don't know what came over me but I pounced on him and kissed him again. This time I kissed with need and want. He started to kiss me back as he put his hands on my waist. I put my hands in his hair running my fingers through it. I accidentally tugged at it making him groan.

He pulled me onto his lap as I straddled it. I could feel him getting hard underneath me.

He quickly pulls away from me. "We should stop.. i-if we continue I wont be able to stop myself.."

I pause to think. I don't usually give it up on the first date, and I don't want him to lose respect for me after this. However, I do really want this.

I thought to myself for a second and then I decided.

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