Thank You

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 "So really he won't miss much"  Tom looked over to the desk where Jamie was sitting drawing, "other than you I suspect!" he added in a stage whisper, a glint in his eye.  He was amused to see Jenny blush. He watched as Jamie drew, tongue sticking out in concentration.

"Oh I don't know about THAT" she said with a smile, "he seems to live for the adventures with his Dad the supervillain - or is it hero?  I can never keep up!" She looked at Tom with her head to one side, smiling gently.

"He's a bit of......" Looking back from Jamie to her, he stopped mid-answer, just staring.

"You ok Tom?  You look like you've seen a ghost" she said, her hand coming to rest on his arm. "Is everything ok?  I was just joking you know, I'm sorry if I overstepped the mark." she looked worried and it snapped him out of his reverie.

"Oh goodness no, sorry, no. I was just, it was just you reminded... never mind.  No we're good honestly.  And no, he's no villain these days!" he smiled and she wasn't entirely convinced he was really back with her. 

"Well I think it's absolutely fine for Jamie to miss Friday, we're only having an art day - and as you can see he's ahead of the game already!" she indicated the masterpiece currently underway.  "Perhaps I can set him a challenge so it's moderately educational too?"  She shrugged and Tom nodded smiling.  Trust her to be so understanding and so, well, kind.

"Please, yes, I'm sure he'd like that."

"Jamie?  Can you come here please?" she called across the classroom and he sidled over, his cheeks flushed.

"Yes Miss Grey?" his small voice was full of fear "Did I do something wrong?"

"Oh Jamie, no, not at all. Whatever made you think that?" she was astonished.

"Well, when we're just - you know - us - you call me JJ not Jamie" he looked at his Dad who looked at her, then smiled broadly. "You call me Jamie in class or when I'm in trouble!" 

"Oh Jamie - JJ - I was just in teacher mode. You're fine, there's nothing wrong at all." she looked at Tom, not that she was ashamed of using a pet name, far from it, but that Jamie obviously hadn't told his Dad. "I have a challenge for you for the weekend with Uncle Chris ok?" Jamie looked at her excitedly.

"I can go?" his little face shone and she nodded.

"Yes, on one condition ok?  Since you're missing art class to go with Dad, I want you to draw a picture of Dad and Uncle Chris and get it autographed - signed - ok?" she had a sudden idea - " We can get it framed and sell it at parent's evening to raise funds for the school we support in Ghana. Will that be ok with you?" she looked at Tom whose mouth hung open and eyes crinkled into a huge smile. Jamie nodded enthusiastically.

"Thank you SO much " Tom said instantly, grabbing her hand. "That's such a sweet idea! Jamie you better make a good job of it if you're going to be a commissioned artist!"

"I will Dad, I will!" he trotted back to the desk and continued drawing, a big grin on his face.

Tom turned to Jenny, "He worships you now, you do know that don't you?" his eyes were glinting and his mouth twitched with a little laugh.

"Well, it's nice to be loved by someone , even if he is only seven!" she laughed, then realising how pathetic that sounded she instantly stammered  "not that I don't, I mean,.. Just that it.." she looked at Tom and then at her watch, "I'm sorry, I'm late for an appointment, could you excuse me please Tom?  JJ?  See you tomorrow, don't forget your PE kit this week please!"

"Yes Miss Grey!"

She got up hurriedly and walked out of the classroom,  Tom watched her leave with more interest than was probably appropriate for the teacher of his son.  As the classroom door closed, he looked at Jamie who, he realised, was now watching him just as intently. "What?" he asked with a slight blush.

"She's pretty Dad, you're allowed to look!" Jamie said simply, standing and coming across to take his hand with a smile.

Tom ruffled his hair, avoiding a direct answer by saying "Come on champ, we have to do some packing for the weekend, you take more clothes when you travel than your mother EVER did!"  Jamie looked up at him as they walked back to the car. He swung on Tom's hand, something obviously on his mind.  Tom waited patiently.


"Yes?" he wondered what was coming.

"W-would you - only if you want to - I promise not to be sad - but would you call me JJ too please? It's... nice."  Tom stopped in his tracks. He knelt down, looking at his little boy with new eyes.

"Of course I will son, if that makes you happy then yes, of course."

"But does it make YOU happy Dad?  After all you and Mum" he said the 'mum' almost in a whisper "you called me Jamie." 

Tom could hardly hold back the tears, was this boy really only seven? He was like Claire more than he would ever know. More mature, caring and thoughtful than half the so-called adults Tom knew.

"Oh Ja -JJ - what your mum and I named you will be with you forever. What you want me to actually call you will be for as long as you want it.  I can hardly object to that now can I?  And your mum? She would only ever want you to be happy son, I promise you. It was so nice of Miss Grey to think of it." he stroked the little boy's head and pulled him in for a big hug. 

"Yes" the little voice replied from within his arms, "it's very nice." 

In the middle of the carpark, they hugged.  Not a movie star, not even just a man.  A devoted father, on his knees, his little boy safe in his arms. 

What neither knew, was that they were being watched.  From an upstairs classroom, a woman was watching.  The scene was so touching it made her weep.  She'd heard the conversation through the open window and despite the fact she had come up here to save her blushes, Jenny couldn't resist listening.  As she watched them hug out their shared emotion, she turned away and walked back to her own room. Despite his unusual and hectic lifestyle, Jamie was the epicentre of Tom's world.  The little boy, although in no way spoiled, was his first and only priority. He was Tom's sun and moon.  And no wonder, she had come to love the little boy too.  His nature was, she thought, like his Dad.  Sweet, caring and very, very intelligent.  He would go far. From the way Tom had talked about Claire, he would have made his mother so proud. 

Jenny packed up her stuff and walked out to her car.  As she approached, there was a note placed under the wiper-blade of her car.  Puzzled, she pulled it out. A scrap piece of paper  - truthfully it looked like the back of an envelope hastily unfolded - had been re-folded in two.  Written on it were two words. 'Thank you' and underneath two smiley faces, obviously drawn with a child's enthusiasm, one with glasses and a small beard and under each them, the initials JJ and T.

She smiled and automatically looked around.  There on the far side of the carpark a black car was parked and in it, two very cheeky looking little boys grinning at her.  One had glasses and a beard. They waved and the Jaguar roared off down the road.  Jenny found herself smiling fit to burst as she waved back after it.  

Shaking her head in pleasant amusement, she climbed into her car and drove home.  It wasn't just JJ that was special, the apple didn't fall far from the tree it seemed.

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