Lessons Learned...

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Half an hour later, they emerged from the Metro and walked through the gardens leading to the Eiffel Tower. Tom held her hand and occasionally stopped to pull her into a gentle kiss.

"You feeling ok love?" He must have asked her a hundred times before they reached the square where the lifts were.

"I'm fine, honestly" she smiled and squeezed his hand. "Please try not to worry."

"Nope, sorry. That's my job. Wrap you in cotton wool and carry you everywhere!" He laughed and scooped her up. "Gangway! Pregnant lady on board! Coming through!" He called out and she covered her face with her hands and laughed.

"Tom! Put me down, people are staring! They think we're mad!"

"Oh, just wait!" He said cryptically, paying at the booth and walking to the lift, still carrying her.

The lift attendant laughed and shook his head, there wasn't much he hadn't seen before but this made him smile. Once the lift was full, they started the ascent.

Tom relented and put her down as the lift moved off. They cuddled close and looked out across the city as it disappeared below them.

Jenny could feel Tom shaking as they reached the viewing platform.

"Don't you like heights?" She murmured quietly as they made their way to the balustrade. He looked down at her and smiled,

"No, just excited" he smirked and she shook her head amused.

"You're such a child Hiddleston!" She laughed "you should be in my class!"

"If it meant I got to spend every day with you I would go!" He replied, hand on heart.

"Oh dear God you're so cheesy! God help our children. How JJ puts up with you I'll never know!?" She giggled.

"Why don't we ask him?" He said suddenly.

"What?" She frowned, had she heard him correctly.

"I think the word you're looking for is pardon?" He smirked and stuck out his tongue.

"Oi! Cheeky!"

"I said, why don't we ask him?" Tom had a sly smile on his face as he pulled out his phone. As she looked on  in astonishment, he dialled his Mum's mobile number.  "No answer." He looked crestfallen and Jenny took his arm, smiling.

"It's ok love, they're probably away out. If she's driving she won't answer ." She looked at her watch, "yep, its 11.30. Probably in town right now, spoiling him rotten!" She tugged his arm, "come on, I fancy an ice cream and the little shop downstairs had some very nice looking ones!"

Tom paused, "I'll just try once more. Hang on."

She was about to say it really didn't matter when he held a finger up and began to speak.

"Hi mum! It's me! Yes... we are... brilliantly yes. Is JJ with you? Good. Yep. We're on the viewing platform." He grinned and turned to Jenny. "Yes, right now would be perfect.  Ok. Thanks" he hung up and smiled.

Jenny looked at him for a minute, "you didn't speak to JJ" she said "wasn't he there?"

"Oh he's with his Granny alright" Tom said cryptically, nodding rather enthusiastically. "He's also..." he paused, his grin spreading from ear to ear, "with his mum and dad.  Brace yourself love!"

The words were no sooner out his mouth when she was assaulted by a small screeching whirlwind that grabbed her from behind.


Looking down, she saw the beaming little face she'd come to love as her own!

"JJ!" she cried out, "You're here!"

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