Best Laid Plans...

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"So what you're actually saying is that I need to knock the pair of your heads together then?" Diana put her wine glass down and sat back, crossing her legs and smiling broadly. Jenny looked at her with the distinct feeling she was being told off in the nicest possible way.

"Well mine maybe, but Tom? No, all he did was be himself and I got it all muddled."

Diana shook her head. "Darling, you are a teacher and a damned good one. You have a degree and you're scarily intelligent - and no I'm not being patronising, I'm just repeating what I've been told elsewhere - but you are as thick as two short planks about Tom aren't you?"

Jenny spluttered into her wine glass. She'd not expected THAT level of honesty.

Diana smiled and continued, "Tom is a man, well we all know THAT. " she smirked "I may be his mother but I know the effect he has" they laughed and she went on. "Sadly though, he's had to cope with a lot, more than most men his age and we both know that too. What he also is, and this is what you don't see - is a scared little boy. A jealous little boy and a lonely little boy." she paused and took a sip of wine. "I say jealous because he doesn't want to share. Oh he's good with his fans, famously so. What I'm trying - clumsily - to say is he doesn't want to share what he loves. His life here... his son... you."

"I'm sorry?" Jenny put her glass down with rather more of a thump than she intended and instantly she looked away from Diana to the table. When she looked back, the older woman had moved from the chair to the sofa next to her.

"That's what I mean about you being slightly slow on the uptake shall we say?" she patted Jenny's hand. "he's in love with you and even he doesn't know it. Has been for a while, written all over his his face. Ordinarily, I'd never say anything, never interfere, but even before you told me, I knew you were in love with him too. It's written all over your face too every time you talk about him, every time you and Jamie - or is it JJ these days - are together. They both love you. The only one that actually recognises it, is only seven years old for goodness sake! So if Tom's being an idiot, which he is if he lets you leave by the way, you have to make sure he knows you love him too. Tell him. You have nothing to lose and absolutely EVERYTHING to gain."

She looked at Jenny for a few moments and then said "It's not easy, filling the shoes of a dead woman. I'm not that naive. And before you say it, I know you never intend to replace Claire - even for JJ who never knew her, but you can replace that glaring hole in both their lives. The one that needs a woman shaped hug, a woman shaped voice and above all? A Jenny Grey shaped affection. Be the woman he doesn't realise he already has." she paused and hugged her "and for the avoidance of doubt? I think Jenny Hiddleston has a very nice ring to it." she winked and Jenny blushed crimson.

"Let's not get carried away!" she laughed, "getting him to take me to the cinema will be an achievement in itself!" Jenny raised her glass "To plans and wise women"

Before they could toast the success of their evening, there was a noise outside the house as a car drew up. A throaty growl of a car. Tom! Diana stood and went to the window. "I wonder why he's back? He's meant to be away for another two weeks at least. It's only been three days!" as she watched, she let out a small "oh dear" and turned to Jenny. "whatever happens next, I want you to be calm ok? I will get to the bottom of this, but you need to be calm. Don't react, be dignified and WHATEVER JJ says in the coming days, don't take sides."

Jenny was completely confused. What on earth was she talking about. Suddenly the living room door opened and Tom stood in the hallway, talking to someone as he pushed the door. "Hi Mum got some days off so popped home... And through here is my mum - you'll love her I promise. " he turned at this point and his face blanched and he looked like he might pass out.

A blonde head appeared beside him, holding his hand and looked directly at Jenny "she's much younger looking than her photos!"

Silence. Tom and Jenny stared at each other, neither able to speak.

"Thomas?" his mother spoke breaking the interminable silence. "Aren't you going to introduce us?" she smiled, but there was no warmth behind it. Tom opened his mouth a couple of times and eventually sound emerged.

"Mum," he spoke to Diana but couldn't take his eyes off Jenny "this, this is Tina. We've been working together on the shoot and we're..." he paused unable to say it. Not in front of Jenny. Oh dear God what had he done?

"I'm Jenny Grey" she stood and stuck out her hand. "I'm Jamie's teacher. We were just talking about plans for the rest of term. I'm leaving you see." she smiled as she shook Tina's hand. She wasn't really smiling at Tina though. She was looking at Tom whose jaw virtually hit the floor. "Nice to have met you, now I really should be going. You must have so much to talk about."

She pushed past Tom and into the hallway, grabbing her bag as she did so. "Thanks for the wine and the chat Diana, hopefully we'll see each other before I leave. There are still a couple of things I need to say." she called out as she left. Tom followed her to the door.

"Jenny? Jenny wait... please?" his voice was strained. She turned as she got to the gate " What do you mean leaving?"

"Just what I say Mr Hiddleston" she saw him flinch as she spoke "I'm leaving the village. At the end of term." she paused and for once in her life wished she was looking at anyone but him. He looked at her as if he might say something. She waited, heart aching for him to say something but before he could, a voice inside said "Tom! Come through sweetheart, your mum's made us a lovely cuppa. We need to tell her all about us." Tom closed his eyes and swore silently.

She appeared at his back and smiled at Jenny "Goodnight Miss Grey. Thanks for coming. I'm sure Mr Hiddleston will be along to school tomorrow and you can bring him up to speed then, won't you Tom?" he nodded like an automaton and closed the door.

Upstairs a little face appeared at the window and waved, she waved back. Tom appeared beside him and he turned and literally leapt into his Dad's arms, face buried in his neck. Tom continued to stare out the window, face white and eyes full of remorse. For what though, she wondered. For what.

Jenny turned on her heel and walked away. She felt like her world had ended before it even started. What was worse, she didn't even have Luke to go home to tonight. It was going to be a very long night.

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