♥️Chapter 2♥️

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Y/n: Soryyyy ☹️

Out of nowhere,the principal made a announcement.

Principal:I want Y/n and Lia to my office NOW.

I slowly bend down myself and went to the office. I know that I will get detention and I was right since she was principal's daughter 🙄. I have detention till 6. I went to my class and start to study since the teacher was already teaching them. It was lunch time at last, I was freaking hungry but I realize that I didn't bring anything 😑 Well of course Jungkook will buy be something to eat. He bought me some ramen. It was 4 when my detention start and I just slept at last and luckily the teacher didn't notice. After the detention finished, I start to walk to my home. My house and my school are kinda far so yeah. It was already dark so I decide to go to the shortest route to my house. I was walking when I heard some groan sounds when I saw some men were punching a guy to death. I run and push all of the man's away from him and checked his condition was not that bad for me to treat him. I opened his black mask and saw the most handsome face I have ever seen.

???:Stop admiring me and get away from me!!😤

Y/n:You are hurt sir.

???:I don't care how worst condition I am🙄.

🥀2 MAFIA'S OBSESSION 🥀(CHOI YEONJUN& CHOI SOOBIN)Where stories live. Discover now