~Chapter 6~

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Y/n Pov

I woke up  and the same thing happened. I went to school and saw Jungkook waiting for me.

Y/n:Yah why are you waiting for me??

Jungkook:I am waiting for my girlfriend 🙄

Y/n:WOW,at last you got a girlfriend 🤯

Jungkook:There is she!!

I looked and saw a grandma walking towards the bus stop. I quickly start to chase Jungkook but then that Lia b!tch grabbed my hair. And I fell down, out of nowhere I feel so confident so I slapped her face so hard that she fall down .

Y/n:Try to mess with me, you are dead meat gurl 🤬

Jungkook clapped his hand so loud that everyone starts to clap also.

Lia:Be careful who you are messing with 😭

She starts to cry and like I knew I got detention till 6. After a long day, I went back home.(Your author is really lazy) . I was about to in when I saw a rich people's car.

I went inside and saw a lot of guyswith black suit which maybe his bodyguards and a guy who looked familiar. He was looking at me and smiled.

Dad:Y/n, meet Mr. Choi Yeonjun

Y/n:Ouh hi Mr Choi Yeonjun, nice to meet you.

Yeonjun:You don't need to call me Mr, just call me Yeonjun

I got shiver after hearing his deepppppp
voice 😣. Mom signals me to go up, I just ran up.

Yeonjun POV

I came to Y/N's house to buy her for 10 million which made them happy. Seem that I have two toys to play today😏. Then I was just talking to them when my baby Y/n just came from school. It seems that she does not recognize me☹️.

Dad:So how are you going to take her??

Yeonjun:Don't worry,I have my own ways😏.

Dad:Umm can I know when you will be giving my money??

Yeonjun:This is surprise so I am going to blindfold you two.

Dad:Yes sure!!

I ordered one of my bodyguard to blindfold them and bring them to the basement. And another one to make Y/n sleep 😏

🥀2 MAFIA'S OBSESSION 🥀(CHOI YEONJUN& CHOI SOOBIN)Where stories live. Discover now