~Chapter 21~

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I ran and hid behind while closing my eyes tightly when I felt someone's presence. I open my eyes and saw a handsome guy staring at me.

 I open my eyes and saw a handsome guy staring at me

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Y/n:Who the hell are you??!!

I said whispering really quiet.

Soobin:Y/n you can't hid away from us if you want less punishment surrender yourself.

???:What punishment are they talking about??(whispers)

Y/n:Dont be so freaking innocent, clearly they mean that they are going to "FUCK ME AGAIN"

I said while getting annoyed by him.

Yeonjun:Who are you talking to Y/n??  Gotcha!!😉


Yeonjun: What the fuck you doing here Beomgyu??

Beomgyu:Cant I pay a visit at least??

Soobin:Fine any shit🙄

Beomgyu:I heard that you are going to punish someone, why??

Yeonjun: Just now that bitch Lia came, Y/n sat at our lap and kissed us while calling us daddy to make Lia cry.

Beomgyu:Guys easily get turn on Soo yeah

Y/n:She was my fucking bully. What do you expect me to do, let her insult me or rather I call these rats daddy??

Beomgyu:I rather call there rats daddy.

Yeonjun:What the fuck did you say??

He raised one of his eyebrows.

Soobin:Fine anything now come and sit on the sofa.

Y/n:Plus who are you?

Beomgyu:These rats best friend

Y/n:Ouh fuck sorry

Beomgyu:Its okay 😉

Y/n:Can I be honest??

Beomgyu:Yeah what?

Y/n:You look really hot. If I didn't find or meet both of these rats I will definitely date you.

Beomgyu:Sure but unfortunately you belong to them.

Yeonjun:Great point right there

Beomgyu:So how is your life with them??

Y/n:No words

Beomgyu:It must be annoying right

Y/n:Yeah.. annoying and.... scary.

Beomgyu:So let's get to business.

Y/n: Okey then I'm out from here.

I was about to go when Soobin pulled me that cause me to land to his lap and I could feel his....

Y/n:Yahh!!Let me goo!!

Soobin:Nope , sleep now

I wrap my hands around his neck and my head land on his chest and I fell asleep....

I have a lot of ideas for my next story so can you vote which one you guys want by commenting.

1. Principal's Obsession (Yeongyu ff)

2. Psycho CEO Mafia Obsession (Yeonbin)

Please I beg you to comment because I see plenty of votes but no comments, it kinda feel sad for me so yeah vote and comment for my next story. This story is going to end.


🥀2 MAFIA'S OBSESSION 🥀(CHOI YEONJUN& CHOI SOOBIN)Where stories live. Discover now