~Chapter 8~

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I slowly open my eyes to see a guy who is literally staring at me.

I slowly open my eyes to see a guy who is literally staring at me

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He was really cute, I came to reality and quickly woke up.

???:Wow,you are awake!!

Y/n:So what and... Where am I ??

I said looking the surrounding of the room. It was freaking big and gorgeous.

 It was freaking big and gorgeous

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Y/n:Who are you??

???:Ouh well I am Soobin and you have been kidnapped so ye-

I start to scream for HELP and he came and cover my mouth with his hand. My heart beat went really crazy 🤪.

Soobin:I am going to put my hand away but promise you won't scream.

I shake my head innocently. He slowly remove his hand and smiles at me.

Y/n:Why am I here Soobin??

Soobin:Well you can ask him later


Soobin:He is working now so later when that guy is back you can ask him🙄 while that do you want to play something??

Y/n:Sure😊 let's play catching each other. Okey now I am going to catch you so you better run.

He started to run and I start to chase him when I lose my balance and shouted to him.

Y/n:Yahh be careful I am going to fall.

I was flying because I was at the staircase. I fell on top of him and accidentally kissed him. For the first time I have felt such a soft lips 👄

Soobin Pov

She was catching me down the staircase when she was flying and was about to fall when I catch her and I accidentally kissed her. Wow for the first time in my life I have felt such a soft lips.

But someone was watching them all the way along.

🥀2 MAFIA'S OBSESSION 🥀(CHOI YEONJUN& CHOI SOOBIN)Where stories live. Discover now