Chapter Four

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Dream's POV
As soon as I notice George missing from my side, I spring out of bed. I grab my phone putting on sweatpants and a T-Shirt. I quickly head downstairs looking for the brit. "George?" I ask walking into kitchen.

"Hey, are you okay?" He asks walking toward me. "I was gonna cook us something"

I sigh in relief and smile. "That sounds amazing but unfortunately I had an emergency back at work," I tell him cupping his face.

"What?" George frowns a bit disappointed.

"I'm sorry, I swear I'll make it up to you," I say kissing him. I quickly run out of the kitchen and back upstairs to freshen up and change into a different outfit; Black ripped jeans along with a black crop top, leather jacket, and combat boots. I put on my smiley face mask grabbed my sniper and hung it on my back.

I slowly sneak back downstairs, leaving through the back door, immediately heading for my motorcycle. I turn on my ear device and start driving. "Hey Techno? How much time do we have?!" I ask starting to speed a bit.

"You've got 42 hours before they feed Punz to a pit full of snakes," Technoblade says on the other line.

"God- What happened to let me shoot my targets in peace? I'm a hitman, not a fucking babysitter!"

"Don't be a bitch and hurry up, I already sent you the coordinates"

I continue to drive till I finally reach the coordinates he had sent me. It was an abandoned warehouse. Without hesitation, I quickly stop the bike and get ready with my two daggers. I only use my gun if necessary besides I'm the best there is in combat.

I bust the door down and head inside. It's quiet and empty. The realization hits me. "It's a trap! Get out of-" Techno yells through the earpiece as the signal cuts off. And before you knew it- I was beings surrounded by armed men. 'Fuck' I slowly raise my hands. I hold one of the daggers in my mouth and grab a smoke bomb throwing it onto the floor. As the smoke starts to fill the air, I sneak my way past some of the armed men and immediately head outside undetected.

I tap on my earpiece. "Hello? Techno?" I call out for him but it's no use. What a shitshow. I get on my bike putting the daggers away as I start to drive further from the scene, my phone starts ringing. After a couple of minutes, I pull into a dark alleyway- grabbing my phone. Unknown number? Before I get the chance to pick up I feel something hit me across the head. I slowly start to lose conscience. Fuck me.
No one's POV
"Sap, have you heard from Dream? He won't pick up my call" George asks walking into Sapnap's room.

The American who was sitting by his desk turns to the other. "Err.. no... I haven't talked to him at all today. He's supposed to be at work today right?" Sapnap asks.

"Yeah but he always picks up whenever I call and he hasn't texted me either" The brit sits on the bed a little worried.

"Uh.. maybe his phone died?"

"What if something happened to him?"

"No, he's fine! Don't worry, I'm going to order uber eats as soon as I'm finished editing this video. Wait for me downstairs"

George groans annoyed and head downstairs. As soon as he's out of view, Sapnap turns back to his computer and discards what he was editing. He starts to track down Dream's whereabouts. What the hell have you gotten yourself into Clay. The computer dings and a certain pair of coordinates show up. The American springs from his chair and to his wardrobe. Sapnap changes into all-black clothing and grabs a mask. "Hey, George!" He calls out for the brit grabbing two guns and sliding them in his pants. George walks by the door looking at Sapnap.

"Where are you going?" He raises an eyebrow looking at him.

"I found Dream"

"What?! Where is he?"

"Hard to say, I'm going to go get him"

"Let me come with you"

"Dream will kill me"

"I love him, I'm not staying here while you go off to who knows where"

Sapnap hands him a loaded pistol. "Only use if needed alright? You might need to be our getaway ride if anything goes sideways. Come on" He moves the nightstand aside knocking on the floor. Sapnap moves part of the carpet revealing a trap door.

George looks at him star-struck hiding the gun in his hoodie. "You're absolutely crazy"

Sapnap grins. "I know" He starts climbing down the stairs being followed by a smaller boy. They're about 8 ft underground- below the basement and to no surprise, it was huge weaponry along with motorbikes and.. a nice sports car? It honestly barely phased George anymore. "You're driving," Sap says getting in the passenger seat of the car. George gets in the driver's seat starting the car as the American inserts the coordinates into the GPS.

The floor starts moving upwards as the boys finally hit above ground. George immediately presses the gas. His driving eventually turns into speeding. 6 minutes before the destination has been reached.

Sapnap was on his tablet trying to find access to any cameras around the area. "Okay- okay... Pull into that empty parking lot by exit 34" He tells him.

George slows down the car and of course, he does as he's told. "So what now?"

"I'm gonna raid the place, You stay put. Do not go anywhere, George"

"I won't! Now go, find him"

Sapnap nods and gets out of the car leaving George alone. After a bit of waiting, the boy starts to get impatient. 20 minutes become 30 and 30 becomes 40 and 40 becomes.. you get the point. 2 hours later and still not a word from Sapnap.

At this point, the brit just gets frustrated and upset. "I know Sapnap told me to wait.. but," He tells himself deciding whether or not he should go. "Fuck it" and with that, he turns off the car and gets out of the car heading to the slightly abandoned building 6 ft from where he's parked.

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