Chapter Nine

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George's POV
"Gogy, we were going out to buy food- you coming?" Karl asks walking into my room. I put the laptop down looking at him.

"Nah I'll stay in, bring me chicken nuggets though"

Karl chuckles putting his thumb up. "You got it, here's my phone if you get bored," He says throwing me his phone as I catch it. And with that Karl walks out of the room leaving me alone. I smile unlocking his phone and heading straight to his contacts. Dream called 57 times? Shit. I put the phone down on the bed in front of me looking at Dream's contact.

30 seconds later- the phone starts to ring. He's calling. I jump off the bed moving away nervously. "He's calling again?!" Moving closer to the phone I take a deep breath and grab the phone with a shaky hand. I slowly pick up not being able to say a word.

"Look outside the balcony"

Out of curiosity, I walk out of my room and to the balcony. Suddenly I feel a tight grip on my waist and I put a hand covering my mouth. "No matter how far you run, I'll always find you" The voice whispers closely by my neck. He flips me over pinning me on the rails. I look away, unable to maintain eye contact for the reason that I feel guilty. The boy holds my face keeping it in place with a tight grip. "Eyes on me"

I move my eyes to him staying in place. "Dream.."

"Why'd you run?" He asks me firmly.

"Because I wanted to"

"Not the answer I was looking for, wanna try again baby?"

"Dream, you're acting crazy"

"George, I was worried sick about you. You left without saying a word. You weren't picking up either"

"I was scared! Okay- fuck- I'm afraid, of everything that's happened. I can't help it. I shot a guy. I don't want to be involved with your shit. I can't get arrested and throw it all away because then everything I worked for will burn to the fucking ground"

Dream lets go of me taking a step back. "Jesus George.. I-"

"If only I had stayed in my room that night" I walk by him and into the house.

A minute or two later Dream walks inside. He opens all the empty doors and finally finds the locked one. I was sitting on the floor hugging my knees by the door. The American knocks on the door. "George, open the door," He says sighing.

"Fuck off" I mumble wanting to cry.

"Please.. open the door- I don't want to fight. Just fucking open"

The knocking continues that eventually turns into banging.

"George! Please!"

It quiets down after a minute. "At least listen to me... I'm sorry for how things turned out. I didn't mean to bring you into this. Now you are wanted for murder and it's all because of me. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I love you, George"

I hate him. He makes me so weak. I get up on my feet and open the door facing Dream. "Fuck you," I say cupping his face.

He faintly smiles kissing me. The boy looks at me and gently pushes me back into the room, locking the door behind us.
"You were both so off. Barely even been a week" Bad says looking at us from the door.

"Motherfucker tracked him down to Las Vegas," Skeppy says crossing his arms.

Karl smiles. "And they say romance is dead"

"Come on you two, let's let them sleep," Bad says dragging both of them away leaving the door closed.

I was cuddling with Dream under the sheets after.. 4 rounds... of making up. I heard their whole conversation but who cares. I have him in my arms with me. It's all I want. For some reason- all my worries went away and it annoys me because I should've stayed away from him but I just.. love him so much. Fuck me. I'm so damn screwed.

I kiss the sleeping boy's forehead and slip out of his grasp walking into the living room. "Hey, guys.." I say sitting on the couch by Skeppy.

Karl smiles looking at me. "We actually had a bit of hope for you," He says.

I flick him off.

"Is Dream still sleeping?" Bad asks from the kitchen.

"Yeah he is"

"Wake him up, we're going out clubbing," Skeppy says. "Go get ready"

"Let me guess, Karl's idea?"

"Hell yeah!" Karl says excitedly.

I walk back into the room, walking to the bed. "..Dream" I slowly shake him awake sitting by him.

"Mm.. what time is it?" He mumbles wrapping his arms around my waist.

"Eh it's like ten in the night- we're going clubbing"

"You're not going to a club"

"It'll be fun"



He looks at me and sits up. "I'm coming with"

A smile immediately grows on my face. "Great! I'm gonna get ready" I say standing up from the bed.
I finish fixing my skirt walking into the living room. I was the last one to get ready because of how indecisive I am. I'm wearing a baby blue skirt with a black crop top and combat boots. "Sorry I took so long"

Karl looks me up and down. "You look amazing"

"Hell yeah, you do" Skeppy seconds it.

Dream glares at me crossing his arms. "You're going out like that?" He asks me.

"Let's go before Dream makes me change"

The American rolls his eyes and gets ahold of my hand. We all walk out of the hotel room heading straight to the elevator. We took an Uber to the nightclub Karl ended up choosing. I'm a little surprised bad agreed to it. I got a feeling he'll probably end up ditching with Skeppy to who knows where. It's not really their scenery.

Karl definitely is gonna end up fucked at the end of the night but who cares. We're just having fun. Dream is extremely protective of me so let's just hope he loosens up a bit. We're on vacation.

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