Chapter Eleven

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Dream's POV
New day, new mission- I left pretty early, trying not to wake anyone up. Obviously, I'm not kicking George out regardless but I've been trying so hard to avoid him until I find out who in the world would frame him. Karl really wasn't playing games when he threatened me. I appreciate him having George's back but he can't keep me away from him.

After they came back from the trip- George started avoiding me. Who knows what Karl told him.

It was fun being roommates at first but now I'm not so sure. I regret bringing him into this. Sap still takes care of George and they still stream together.

The reason George and I broke up back then was that I had a sudden emergency back in America. Unfortunately, this type of.. occupation isn't the type you can just quit. I'm well- a hitman. I hunt and kill certain targets for a living. As to how I became one is a different story, more complicated than it's supposed to be.

I have made too many mistakes in the past and it's starting to catch up with me. Sometimes money can't solve everything. I don't completely hate my job, I'm good at what I do although some parts of it do suck, and I-

My alarm starts going off. I immediately snap out of my thoughts and turn off the alarm on my phone. I look at the time. Shit, Wilbur's going to kill me! Stuffing my phone into my pocket, I jump off the building using my grappling hook for a soft landing. As soon as I hit the floor, I start running across the street to Wilbur's place.

I head inside and notice the lights on as I'm being greeted by a very angry brit. "Hey... Will..." I say not being able to maintain contact.

"Where the hell were you?!"

"I went on a.. run-"

"You hesitated"

Techno snickers from the couch. "Dude- Will called me super pissed. You were late to your training session" He says cleaning his ax.

I rub my neck nervously. "Oops?"

"You are so insufferable- oh my god. Go home and next time.. don't be late" Wilbur warns me. I smile walking out of the place and driving back to mine.

After a bit, I arrive. I slowly slip in the open window, landing in my bedroom. Taking the front door is for losers. As I'm taking off my clothes to change into something more comfortable, I notice George sleeping on my bed hugging one of the pillows. I sigh walking toward him. Has he been crying..? I cover him with the blanket and walk into the living room feeling a sharp pain in my chest.

Sapnap was sitting on the couch looking at the Tv. "You're late" He points out not looking away from the screen.

"Why is everyone on my ass about being late.."

I walk to the brain-dead zombie who's staring a hole into the TV. I stand in front of him crossing my arms. Sap averts his eyes looking up at me. "Move" He states sternly.

"Get a life!"

He smiles and pulls me next to him. "So- how was work?"

I throw my head back. "Wilbur got mad at me for being late to our training session- I'd rather stay home" I replied annoyed.

After a minute of comfortable silence and the TV playing in the background, I pull my head up to look at Sap. "You should go to bed" I flash him a smile.

I get up from the couch as Sap does the same. He walks to his bedroom says "good night" and proceeds to close the door.

I smile walking over to the balcony lighting a cigarette. I look out into the distance noticing a familiar mask, a few roofs from me. The figure starts swinging from building to building. Hm. I turn my back from the scene and suddenly I hear something shatter.

I immediately head back inside, back into the living room. "Hello?" I ask turning the lights back on. I walk into my room. My eyes move down noticing an injured man laying on the floor. "George.. what happened?" I kneel in front of him cupping his face.

The brit looks back at me with a frightened look. "Fuck Dream... I-" He breaths out barely being able to form a sentence.

I sigh and slowly help him up grabbing him by the waist. We walk into Sap's room. Sapnap looks at us. "George" He sits up putting his phone aside. "Come here"

George walks to the other and crawls into his arms still trembling.

I sit on the bed by them. "What's wrong with him?" I ask passing my hand through the brits hair.

"He tends to get panic attacks especially lately but he'll be fine.."

"Thank god"

"Please keep this shit away from him- he'll only end up hurt"

"I will, it's morning already- I'm going to go make breakfast"

I sit at the dining table eating breakfast as the two boys join me a couple of minutes later. "I have work today so don't expect me till 11"

George looks up at me. "It's Saturday" He states stuffing his mouth with pancakes.

"I thought we were going to visit Quackity at the casino?" Sapnap asks.

"They called me to fill in last minute, I'm sorry guys- I have to go today"

"Always working.." George mumbles.

I look at my watch and grab my jacket. "I have to go, Have fun at Big Q's!" I smile heading out the door.
"So what's the mission for today?" I ask loading my sniper sitting on Techno's couch.

"Dream, you do know it's Saturday right?"


Techno groans handing me a file. "I have an SS ranked mission for you," He tells me as I open the file. "I was gonna wait till next week but seems like you want to keep going at it"

"Mafia leader?"

"Yeah, some Russian idiot got drunk and lost his ID at one of the clubs Wilbur owns. I was looking into it and it linked to some Mafia leader who's manufacturing deadly drugs. I need you to take him out"

"Yeah okay, That's it?"

"I guess so.. you really like doing this"

Techno looks over at me. I place the sniper aside standing from the couch. "I do- I mean- it's not so bad"

He snickers pouring rum into the cup. "You managed to become our best sniper in the organization. It's impressive. You're a little too good at this"

"It's not that hard- shoot a couple of motherfuckers and get paid a shitload"

"You're fucking crazy"

I smile and put the sniper on my back grabbing the keys. I run out the doors and down the stairs. As soon as I head outside, I get on my bike and start driving, taking a lot of harsh turns.

After a couple of minutes, I arrive in front of Quackity's casino. I get off the bike and walk inside. "Sapnap!" I call out.

"VIP lounge," Quackity says walking by.

I head to the VIP lounge. I look at the boys who were drinking and talking. I lock eyes with Sapnap. They stop what they're doing and look at me. "I thought you were working," Sapnap asks.

"I am, I need your help with something"

"Help with what?" George raises an eyebrow.

"Some computer Shit- we won't be long"

George and Sapnap look at each other and then back at me. "Okay" Sap stands up and walks to Dream.

"Don't be long" George says taking out his phone.

"You got it, I'm taking you out to dinner later and I'm not taking no as an answer"

"Sounds fun"

I grab Sapnap's hands and we immediately head out of the lounge. "So what is it this time?" He asks as we get on my bike.

"Mafia, I can't track down the leader- kinda need you to do it. I know you quit but you're good at it"

He groans and wraps his arms around my waist as I start driving. "I really don't want a part in this anymore. Especially since George lives with us. Last time Dream"

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