Chapter Ten

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George's POV
As I'm sitting at the bar, I continue ordering and drinking drinks. I'm not completely wasted but I'm not sober enough. My mind keeps wandering to different places. It's getting difficult to focus. I'm still a bit worried. I don't know if I can go back to Florida, being a wanted man and shit.

I sigh watching Dream walk toward me. "Come on, let's get out of here," He says reaching out his hand. I intertwine my fingers with him as I stand up. Dream leads me out of the club. I'm being greeted by a cool breeze. The boy pulls me closer holding me by my waist. We start taking a stroll down the dark streets in a comfortable silence until his phone starts to go off. Dream pulls out his phone looking at it. "It's Fundy"

I start feeling a bit sick. "That whore?" I cough out.

"Hey- don't call him that," He tells me.

"He's in love with you"

"No, he's not, we're just friends"

"Fucking Liar"

He turns to me raising an eyebrow. I cup his face tilting my head a bit. "You're mine and mine only"

He smiles kissing me. "Let me see what he wants"

I groan annoyed as the boy picks up the phone call. "Hey, Fundy.. what? What the fuck are you saying?!" Dream asks raising his voice.

I grab his phone and put it on speaker looking at the frustrated American. "Stay away from Dream or I'll murder you in your sleep" I hang up handing him back the phone.

Dream snickers. "Threatening my friends now? By the way- Sapnap got your phone fixed" He hands me my phone.

I look at him and smile grabbing it. "I was getting bored out of my mind.."

"We should probably head back to the hotel"
No One's POV
"Karl- Can I talk to you?" Skeppy asks looking a bit anxious right outside the hotel room. Bad went in a few minutes earlier because he was tired as shit.

Karl looks up at Skeppy putting his phone back in his pocket. "What is it?"

"Quackity called me because you wouldn't answer the phone. He said it was some sort of emergency? George's wanted for murder. News spread fast- Big Q looked into it and to no surprise, he was framed. We have no clue who it could be"

Karl was taken aback by these words. Not knowing what to say he opens the hotel door and immediately walks inside. Skeppy is not too far behind. "I'll deal with this, you go to bed," He says firmly heading inside George's room. Karl takes out a knife and climbs on top of Dream holding the blade against his throat. "One wrong move and I slice your throat" He whispers.

Dream grabs his arm moving the knife away. He grabs the other boy by the neck tightening his grip. "What the fuck are you doing?" Dream whispers back angrily. "Let's talk outside before you wake him up" He pushes Karl off of him getting out of bed.

Karl puts the knife away walking out of the room.

The American walks out as well. "The fuck's your problem?!"

"George is in deep shit because of you! He was framed for murder"

"What? By who?"

"I don't know! But I bet you had something to do with it"

"All I want to do is protect him"

"I want you to stay the fuck away from him"

"Oh Karl, I can't do that.. for obvious reasons. He is not leaving my side again"

"He left without saying a word because he wanted to stay away from you"

"..What- That's not true-"

"You're as stupid as they come"

And with that Karl walks back into his own room full of pride with a huge grin plastered across his face after totally crushing the poor American, he proceeds to change clothes slipping under the sheets. It's been a pretty long day...

Dream was standing by the doorway looking a Karl wishing he could shoot two bullets into his chest right now thinking... It can't be true, can it?

He sighs closing the door heading towards the balcony. The American lights a cigarette feeling a mix of emotions right now.

Next thing you know, he was clipping on his mask and jumping off the balcony to the next building over. Swinging from building to building- fueled by anger. Karl made it clear but hell.. he'll be back. He always comes back. No matter what. He's not giving up but then again neither is Karl or anyone else.

This- This is just the beginning of a very unfortunate tale.. full of misery and goddamn despair.

Let the games begin.

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