Chapter Eight

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No one's POV
As George starts loading some bags into Skeppy's truck. "Are we all ready?" He asks making sure everything was accounted for.

A lot of enthusiastic 'yes' and 'yeahs' are heard. Everyone gets in the car. Skeppy's driving, Bad's next to him in the passenger seat with the aux cord while Karl and George are in the back with the snacks, taking photos, playing games, and messing around like little kids.

And a trip to the airport. They're going to Las fucking Vegas! A vacation to leave all of their worries and stress behind.

"How long do you think it'll take till Dream finds me?" The brit asks Karl laying his head on the other's lap.

He thinks for a second playing with George's hair. "I'll give it 2 months"

"Two months only?!"

"I'll give it 20 days," Skeppy says from the front smiling.

"You know what? Fuck you both"

"Hey, language!" Bad says. The tension in the air is so light and happy. Full of laughter and giggles. We all wish moments like that would last forever.

20 more minutes and they finally arrive at the airport. The four boys proceed to get out of the car and grab all the bags.

They all walk inside the airport looking for their flight number that was about to leave.

Skeppy and Bad were arguing this morning about what to bring on the trip? But regardless they were just on time.

Before the airplane door was going to be closed, they ran inside already having some of their bags processed.

They find their seat and sit down in pairs. Karl with George and Skeppy with Bad. It's usually always like that. The couple can't leave each other for at least 5 seconds. Karl and George didn't mind it at all because they got along extremely well. "Gonna be a pretty long flight so might as well get comfortable" Skeppy lets us know smiling.

"Hey George, are you ready to get the fuck away from here?" Karl chuckles going on his phone.

George looks at him. "Yeah I really am, Can I ask you something?"

"What's up?"

He turns his phone off and looks back at the brit.

"You and Big Q ever get in huge arguments?"

"Sure, all the time but we overcome our problems through communication or I bribe him.. with things. All that matters is that we love each other and I'm always right. We're on vacation so don't you dare think about Dream or Sapnap or the whole thing that went down alright"

"Huh, I'm starting to feel a little sympathy for the Mexican"

"Oh fuck off! He's fine! Most of the time.."

George snickers grabbing Karl's phone. He clicks on Twitter and starts stalking Sapnap's profile. Karl sighs grabbing the phone. "Stop that. Do you know what a vacation is?" Karl asks annoyed.

George shrugs and leans back closing his eyes.
"Wake me up when we get there," He says drifting off into a deep sleep holding hands with Karl out of instinct and comfort.
"Pst George.. wake up" The brit hears a voice call out for him. He opens his eyes looking around noticing the fact that they're still on the plane. "Skeppy and Bad are way ahead of us, Bad called an uber It's probably here already. They have the bags. Come on" He reaches his hand out as the boy grabs it. They both head out of the plane, being the last ones on it. George tightens his grip on the other's hand. Karl smiles leading him outside.

"Imma go walking so you should go," George says.

"What? No! I'll come with you"

"It's okay, seriously"

Karl texts Skeppy letting him know that they'll meet them there. "Already texted them to go, are you hungry?" He asks pulling on George's hand.

George faintly smiles. "Mhm, there's like a cafe not too far from here," He says.

Karl and George start walking, talking about different things. They're really good friends, best friends, treating each other like family. It's always been like that. Karl always has his back which George appreciates a lot. The brit is extremely comfortable with him.

After a couple of minutes, they arrive at the cafe.

"Wait, wait- so Quackity has a casino here?"

"Uhm yeah! He's trying to expand the business or whatever"

"Who runs it?"

"I have no clue honestly"

Karl turns back to the cashier. He starts ordering for the four as the boy is distracted. As soon as he finishes, he turns back to George. "After they give us the drinks, let's head to the hotel and rest. I'm a bit jet-lagged" He says.

George focuses back on Karl. "You're dramatic, it was like 5 hours"

"Well unlike you- I barely slept"

He grabs the cupholder with the drinks. They both walk out of the cafe.

"Where's the hotel at?"

"Grab my phone and check"

George does as he's told and clicks on the address as it takes him to the GPS. He looks at it and starts leading the way. He looks across the street. "Oh, it's right there.. room 404- how ironic" George points at the hotel across the street, putting the phone back in Karl's pocket with his other hand.

We walk down the street. "Race you!" He says taking off.

"That's not fair! I'm holding the drinks!" Karl yells from far behind.
"Where's Karl?" Skeppy asks to lean on the doorframe.

"I'm right- I'm right here-" He says completely out of breath as George holds back his laughter.

Skeppy eyes the tired male and then he looks back at George moving aside. "You're a bitch for that" He smiles. The three of them walk into the room. "Bad's sleeping, you guys should too. We got a whole day ahead of us. Save the drinks for later"

Karl puts the drinks on the counter. Karl and George have their rooms. Skeppy is sleeping with bad (obviously). Skep was the one watching after the group but as soon as he looked the other way- Karl snuck into George's room and tackled him straight to the floor. They came to an agreement and both boys decided to prank the other pair.

Let's just say.. no one got any sleep that night.

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