Chapter Two

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George's POV
I slowly open my eyes to notice Dream was gone from my side. I sit up and yawn. What time is it..? Suddenly, yelling is heard- I quickly spring out of bed and run downstairs to find a couple of broken objects. Sapnap and Dream were arguing, they didn't even see me walk in. "What the hell is going on here?!" I yell at them.

They both stay quiet and turn their attention to me. "Did we wake you?" Sapnap asks walking toward me.

"Why are you guys arguing?"

"It doesn't matter- it's not a big deal, just a minor inconvenience" Dream sighs grabbing the broom.

Sapnap scoffs. "Minor inconvenience? Bullshit!" He raises his voice turning back to the other American.

"Nick, not now"

"Not now?? You injured one of our friends because you're a sick bastard!"

"I'm sorry! I didn't mean to I panicked, I didn't mean to hurt him"

My eyes widen as I slowly back away. Dream eyes me nervously. I can't breathe... I- fuck Before another word was said, I run out the front door out of panic and distress hearing Dream yell out for me.

I continue to run for a bit until I start running out of breath. I slow down, stopping in front of what was Big Q's Casino. Hesitantly, I head inside taking a look around.

Someone runs into me looking a bit frustrated, "shoot- I'm so-" He pauses for a minute and looks at me. "George!"

"Karl, hey! Why are you in such a hurry?"

"Well Quackity made me manager last minute so I'm running some errands, are you free? I could use some help"

I smile and quickly accept, "of course!"

He grabs my hand and leads me to the bar. "Last bartender quit and I badly need someone to manage it till I find someone else" He explains to me. "You use to bartend in the UK right?"

"Yeah sure, I don't mind helping- where's Big Q?"

"Office, upstairs, he'll be down in like an hour. Will you be okay?"

I walk behind the counter nodding as Karl heads off. I clean up a couple of things and serve a couple of drinks. This goes on for a couple of hours. It's a bit exhausting but I'm always down to help a friend out.

I stay for a bit drinking a margarita sitting on the stool by the counter sighing.

"It's after hours- you know you can go home right?" Karl says sitting next to me writing on some papers.

"You think I can stay at your place for tonight?"

"You're always welcomed, my fiancé could not care less"

"Fiancé? Shit, you and Quackity-?"

"Yup! Got engaged last month"

"Congrats man! At least one of us is in a happy stable relationship"

Karl smiles and looks over at me. "You are so miserable. Let's go do something fun" He tells me standing up.

I look at him confused. He grabs my hand and starts leading me outside before I get the chance to say anything. Karl takes me to his car. "Do you still smoke?" He asks as we get in.

"I mean.."

"I won't tell anyone" And with that, he hands me a lighter and a pack of cigarettes putting down the windows. He starts to drive with no exact destination. I plug my phone into the aux cord and start playing music as I light a cigarette putting it in between my lips. "What happened between you and Dream?"

"Is it that obvious?" I ask blowing out some smoke.


He pulls into an empty parking lot looking over at me. "I have some weed with me if you're down.. I'll drive you home afterward"

"Fuck yeah," I say crawling into the backseat.
Karl shakes me awake. "We're here, Dream's place," He tells me handing me his hoodie. I slowly sit up and put it on. "I know you wanted to stay over but you need to sort things out with Dream alright? You can always call me if you need anything"

"Thank.. you for everything-!" I say slurring my speech a bit barely being able to focus my vision. I get out of the car and head to the front door. I knock on the door still high as hell and kinda wasted. Don't remember when we started drinking but I feel like absolute shit. The door swings open as I'm being greeted by a very worried American.

"George?! Oh my god!" Dream grabs my hand and brings me inside closing the door behind us.

I smile cupping his face. "I missed youuu" I start to giggle uncontrollably.

Sapnap walks down the stairs turning on the lights. "George?" He asks walking toward us.

"Yeah and he's high as shit- I thought he quit doing that crap.." Dream says sitting me on the couch.

Sapnap sighs sitting next to me. "Guessing he was with Karl" He takes off the hoodie I'm wearing and throws it aside.

"let's get you some clean clothes yeah?" Dream tells me to head upstairs. I keep staring at him till he's out of view.

I look over at Sapnap with a sluggish grin. "He has a nice ass," I say laying my head on his lap.

Sap chuckles and starts playing with my hair.

"I love him"


"I love him so much"

"Why don't you tell him?"

"Because it won't change the fact that he's moved on.."

Sap looks at Dream who was by the stairs. He heard the whole conversation. I rest my eyes for a bit. Exhausted as hell. After a moment of silence, Dream speaks up in a quiet tone, "I'm uh.. gonna change him"

"I'm starting to feel sorry for you," Sapnap says walking by him heading upstairs.

I open my eyes and look at Dream slowly sitting up. "I feel like throwing up," I say standing up.

"I thought you quit.."

I smile. "Yeah well, where's the fun in that? Get me some water" I say walking to the bathroom. I crash down onto the floor in front of the toilet throwing up. Fuck.

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