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(Outfit above)

It's Sunday, yay! My HALF sister is coming. Already got the conformation from not just my dad, but Alice my best friend. Alice had called me to bring dad to the house since he knows their secret and has met the Volturi and me since I'm a mate and immortal I don't need to turn, they are accepting of me surprisingly. She told both me and dad that when Bella gets here things wont be peaceful, not even close. Jessica Stanley and her group know about me being a witch because of how close we are. Because of that I help them with stuff when we were kids, it turns out they made a vow with my father who found out how to make magical vows from my book of spells mum left me. So they can't say ANYTHING. Which is great for me.

Dad has already went to go get Bella and I'm not looking forward to this. I'm currently on the phone with Alice and the Cullens, who wanted to talk to me knowing I'd be upset. "I just don't get why the hell she has to come." I tell Alice sighing a bit, "She will cause a lot of problems for us Ams." My mate, Edward tells me sounding a bit scared. "I have the Volturi wrapped around my thumb love, just call them if something goes wrong and mention my name and they come running." I hear Carlisle chuckle in the background, "Yes that is true. Caius is expecting you to call soon if you don't go to jail for murdering your half sister." I roll my eyes with a grin, "Caius is like a big brother, and Dad knows this." they nod at me smiling on video, "You look beautiful." I see Jasper complimenting me causing Edward to give him a death glare making me giggle slightly. "Thank you big brother." he smiles and Edward gives me a strange look. "Surprised you don't know babe. Jasper is my soul-brother." he looks shocked for a moment looking between me and him before sighing, "Fine but I wont share much." I smile at his protectiveness. Sadly Jasper is more protective seeming how I look like his little sister he left behind for the war.

I look up when I hear the door opened. "Jasper is my soul brother because I'm a reincarnation of the sister he lost, I just don't have the hair or eyes." Then I hear a knock, "I have to go guys. Love you!" I hear faint love yous before I hang up and skip to the door and open it. "Daddy! Whats up?" He sighs and looks at me with tired eyes. "Help please, I can't do this alone." I nod slightly with my lips pressed in a thin line. "Shes not blood related to you." he looks down the hall and back at me, "She knows doesnt she?" I nod sadly before walking to her room and looking in, "Sup Isabella?" She glares at me before going back to unpacking. "Charlie might not hover, but I do." I grin widely making her look scared before I skip downstairs and open the front door and there stood Jasper with a amused grin on his face. "Big brother, whats up?" he grins at me before scooping me up making me wrap my legs around his waiste and dad comes down with a sly smile. "Edward didn't come did he?" Jasper shakes his head, "He didn't come because he would tear of Isabella's head." I giggle from where I am and stare into the kitche, "Want some food to bring home?" he nods his head excitedly. See the Cullens can eat, and Jessica knows what they are so she reminds me in the mornings to make their lunch so no one suspects or anything. Plus I put a spell on them so they dont need to drink blood as often and the scent of blood doesn't trouble them.

I get down from his waist and fix them Chicken alfredo plus a couple hamburgers knowing Emmett. I also make extras for their lunch tomorrow then put it in the take-away bags I made to keep them warm and fresh till they eat. "Some of that is for lunch tomorrow, I can't make anymore till tomorrow afternoon. Bella is eating out with Dad so I can make some for the entire week." He nods before kissing my forehead and dashing out the front door and into his car and speeding away. I hear dad behind me say, "Them with your food." I chuckle a bit "Don't blame them, they wont eat otherwise." he grunts a 'i know' before sitting down with a beer. "Dad those aren't that healthy, even if you cant die don't drink so much." he looks up from taking a sip and gulps some down to test me making me roll my eyes before Bella comes stomping down. "Whats for dinner?" I look at her like shes nuts, "Um whatever you fix for yourself." I can't have her eating my food, what is she crazy?

The Designer Swan (Edward Cullen) *Discontinued/Rewriting*Where stories live. Discover now