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I walk into my work room. It's a room where I use my spells, no one can enter besides me. Well, unless I give them permission. I sigh and sit down opening the first Bennett book. The book with the spell to strip any witch of their magic. But with good reason. Bonnie Bennett would loose her magic today. Then maybe she will realize that Elena only keeps her around for her magic. If anything make people pay for making you use your magic, and if they can't then dont help them. I still can't believe I had to miss out on school for this. I mean yes I do online school now even though I wont see my group of friends that much but still. They asked their parents about it and it was a immediate no.

Which is bull, I mean you can get alot more work done on online school. You can have one on one with your teachers and everything when they make time for a few hours JUST for you. Which is a god sent with my math teacher. It's a cool dude and is actually quite nice to me. I sigh knocking myself out of my thoughts. To much going on, just need to get rid of this ONE problem and deal with the others. Mainly the others are involving Isabella Swan.

I flip towards the page which is in the middle of the book. I give up have way through and put my hand over the book thinking of the page and the book flips through it stopping at the page. I smirk knowing that once I'm done with this I can go back to my life. I set up the candles before I put my palms up closing my eyes calling on Sheila's power and the other witches step forward, I feel their hands on my shoulders making me sigh contently. I start chanting not stopping when each candle starts to light up and I hear the wind outside blowing, also hearing Emmett start laughing which makes me smile slightly. I keep chanting till the last candle is lit. "I call upon the power of the Bennett witches. You have blessed my choice on taking one of our owns magic away. Bonnie Bennett has wronged our line and will forever be stripped of her magic. So mote it be." The wind starts to die down and I see in the visons Sheila is giving me showing

Elena, Damon, Stefan and Bonnie sitting in the boarding house when Bonnie gasps out in pain. Elena rushes forward but stops when there was a glowing in Bonnie's chest before it fades away signaling that she no longer has any magic. Elena goes wide eyed, thinking what was going on and why this happened. Bonnie looks up wide eyed, "S-she stripped my m-magic.." Bonnie says stuttering slightly from the pain of was from her magic being stripped away. I smirk a bit when I hear Stefan "So your no longer a Bennett. Emily Bennett said that only when she has every Bennett witches blessing will another Bennett witch be stripped of her/his magic. So Sheila is punishing you." Bonnie shakes her head denying this. Her grams loved her, but gave everything that was supposed to be hers to a stranger. "She must have felt you trying to track her, Bonnie. Little witchy is smart." I hear a deep voice making me turn towards it and seeing Damon staring at Bonnie with a triumphant smirk knowing that I was the strongest in the Bennett line. Atleast thats what Sheila said.

I get pulled out of it sighing when I know its not the last I will hear from them. More likely Damon will find me now but he wont bother looking here. He isn't that stupid because this town has a magical spell around it. If someone is looking for me with bad intentions then they can't find me here. It's why I never moved away, it's why I made a coven. Sheila even supported it. I get up closing my hands making the candles die out. I walk towards the door seeing a faint outline of Sheila making me smile sadly. "So mote it be, Sheila." she smiles a small smile, the smile I loved so dearly. "So mote it be, dear." and she vanishes making me sigh. I open the door and Edward is standing there with a conflicted expression making me walk out and close the door. I walk over to him wrapping my arms around his waist, he wraps his arms around me. "Bella almost found the house." I shake my head on his chest. "It's impossible. I placed the spell on this house. She wont ever see it even if she was right infront of it." I tell him soothing his worries then I plant a kiss on his cheek skipping towards Emmett who he doesn't hear me coming and I jump on his back making him yelp causing me to laugh. He holds my legs so I dont fall. "Hi Witchy." I roll my eyes at him. I never did get him to stop calling me that since I told them. It doesn't bother me when they call me it. But the way Damon said it sounded strange and I don't like it.

I jump off walking toward the tv turning on the new movie that just came out. It's a zombie movie that I can't even fathom why they made. I look towards Emmett with a smile. "Hi Emmett." When I remembered he said hello to me making him smile. He always seeks my attention. It comes with him being my soul brother making Rosalie my sister in law. She hated me at first, thinking I'm just a ordinary human but once she found out what I was and who I was towards her mate she became a angel. But every Angel has a devil side. Everyone crowds around the couch and we watch the movie with me on Edwards lap. I smile to myself knowing that since I met them everything fell into place. Now one more problem I have to deal with. Isabella Swan.

(A/N: I know that it's only been four days. But I was bored, so heres a chapter. Expect another one maybeee in a few days to a week. Have a great day!)

The Designer Swan (Edward Cullen) *Discontinued/Rewriting*Where stories live. Discover now