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(outfit above)

It's been two days since Jared patrolled my house and Sam has been taking that up himself, that worries me. But I wont go to the Reservation today, I have days I can come because I always used to come with the boys when they picked me up. Or I could call Billy, but I'd doubt he would tell me anything. 

I walk outside get in my car just to see Bella coming out huffing, she's lucky I'm always there when I'm with Edward. Edward might seem tough, but he says that Bella's blood sings to him, which doesn't make them mates. I did give the Cullens the go to drain her, which they wouldn't do. I mean Jasper will if she pushes him too far.

That would actually be good to see...

I start to drive off and see Jacob walking down the road making me confused, I pull over and roll down my window. "Jay what's up?" I ask him, he's never walking only on his bikes. "Nothing, can I get a ride?" I nod knowing it's alright for me to drop him off at Billys, I mean it was said I could go to Billy's just not to the Pack house all the time.

I pull up to Billy's house 10 minutes later after getting some takeout for me, Jake and Billy. Figured I should stay a bit, catch up with Billy. Watch a movie or something. I haven't talked to Billy about just normal stuff in months, I miss it. Me and Jake get out and I grab the 3 bags of food plus 2 drinks because Jake wanted one too and I can just have water. I walk into the house with Jake not far behind. "Billy, I brought food!" Not even two minutes later he rolls into the kitchen with a smile on his face, "Didn't expect to see you anytime soon." I smile slightly but nod placing the bags out on the table and setting it. "I need to be distracted; Jared can't contact me right now.. It's stressing me out and the bond, Edward is fine because of what he is. But I'm not" I sigh but finish setting the food out and sit down when Billy rolls beside me and makes me look at him, "Is it hurting you? The bond." he asks me making my eyes widen but I nod my head, "For a few days now." I look down but I can feel his disappointment radiating off in waves, but also a hint of fear. soul bonds and imprint bonds are kind of the same thing to them, Billy had a soul sister from a young age but she died in a car crash right after he lost his wife.

He was never the same after that, but who can blame him?

I look up to see Jake plop down in his chair with a wide smile. I smile at him, this is his favorite food besides the ones I make. Billy excuses himself and goes to the phone across the room, I know hes probably calling Sam. The bond will only start hurting so bad that Edward would feel it and Alice would see it if I stay away from Jared for longer than 5 days. My bond is weak with him and I can't see him all the time but atleast I can call so the bond wouldn't hurt, but I can't..

Jake wolfs down his food and I can't help but laugh at him and finish the last bit of my food and start to clean up leaving Billy's food on the table and his drink when he hangs up and turns to me, "Jared will be able to come over in a hour, you may go home and wait there. Probably best you went home now, its getting dark." I nod with a happy smile on my face, see Jared can brighten my mood a way Edward can't. Edward sometimes hates it but he likes Jared and probably would do anything for him, if I asked.

When I did get home, which was 30 minutes later because I wanted a milkshake. I saw Jared already there, with a smile on his face. When I did get out, which was seconds before he scooped me up and hugged me tightly. If I was a normal human, I'd probably be all broken bones right now. I hugged him back wrapping my legs around his waist. I didn't realize I started crying until he started rubbing my back, the way he always does when I cry. Which just made me cry harder. "I'm sorry momma I couldn't come sooner, Sam has been up my butt on patrols..." he tells me, and I can tell he feels horrible. He could probably feel the bond weaken too; he is half human.

After he got me calmed down, he ended up spending the night, not being able to get me off and neither could my dad. So, dad called Billy and Billy told Sam, who was expecting this and let Jared off of Patrols for a few weeks to spend time with me. 

One thing about me, I can be very emotional. But I can also be hell walking when someone denies me my family. I still can't believe Sam would work him so hard that he couldnt see me between shifts like he would always be able to. Guess Sam just needed a wakeup call, hes my soul brother but he needs to get a grip. I have a feeling he only let Jared come over because he now knows how much its hurting me.

Which is bullshit.

But it is what it is. When I did wake up the next morning Jared was looking down at me, so I sit up and look him dead in the eyes, "you're moving in with me." he goes wide eyed not expecting this. "I had built a house between the treaty line so its not crossing for either of you, you may live with me and Edward during this time." he starts to frown, and I know what hes thinking, "Screw Sam, Jared. Let me deal with him, he will agree so you can work more with him and still be close enough where the bond wont hurt me." he agrees after a while making me very happy, which just when he agreed Edward showed up and started packing, like all my things. Dad would be moving in with me aswell, hes there most of the time I'm there. And he already has all of his things over there anyways. 

All I know is I'm very happy Jared agreed, and more importantly I cannot wait for the future.

The Designer Swan (Edward Cullen) *Discontinued/Rewriting*Where stories live. Discover now