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It's been 4 days since Jared moved in with me and Edward. I was surprised when Sam agreed without needing to be persuaded. He seemed to like the idea, incase any of the wolves needed a break they could come and rest.

Which is fine with me, I think.

I mean I guess I could have gotten out of it but as long as they just chill outside in the porch I'm fine with it, I even told the Pack if they are caught inside its free pranks that are going to be pulled on them. I don't show mercy at all, unless its Jared. When I did see Jared next it was 1 week later because of stuff happening with Isabella who almost died and Alice saved her so now Bella has a mark on her head by a vampire named James who someone killed his mate and hes getting revenge on Bella when he can, which neither Charlie nor I care.

Hell I even told Charlie and the Cullens I wont be putting a protective spell on her. She has done enough shit to know that she brought it on herself. He even agreed that shes not worth me wasting energy just trying to preform that kind of spell. I've been having to put a non tracker spell on me the last few days too so thats mostly why. Bonnie has been trying to track me and shes going to learn why Sheila never trained her and let her learn on her own. Sheila even sent me the spell book that was in the drama brothers dads grave before she died. I blame Bonnie, I mean she was at a old age. That spell would have killed Bonnie too if it wasn't for her grandmother and she still isn't out of Elenas ass.

I still cant believe Bonnie is a Bennett. Shes probably the weakest one in the line, which is saying A LOT. The tracking spell she is using is amateur at best. I'm sure that Damon Salvatore could track me better than her, and shes a witch.

I'm sitting on my porch when I feel another tracking spell placed and I block it again groaning annoyed at this point. Edward sits next to me amused, "Another tracking spell?" he asks making me glare at him and he chuckles at me. "Block her permanently. Sheila already gave you permission to strip Bonnie's magic." I shake my head I couldn't do that. I mean I want too, even the witches before Sheila said it was a perfect choice. But I'm not sure if I want to do it. I mean should I? I mean... Yeah shes so far up Elena's ass to even care about anything else but Elena. But she will die in the end, I mean doppelgängers always dies in the end. It's a cycle of the curse.

Still I wish Bonnie wasn't friends with Elena. It is her mothers fault. She left her child and had another family. My mother is the child of Sheila's brother who was pretty damn powerful. But I topped him since I have both my mothers power and Sheilas when she is around, plus my own. I'm still not sure what I will do if Bonnie somehow gets to me, but what I do know is I'm not going down without a fight.

I look up at Edward and see hes looking in the woods, I look in the direction and see the Cullens plus some of the pack. I see my soul son and a smile made it's way on my face. I knew that if it came to a fight, I wouldn't be fighting alone. I lean up against Edward, thanking my ancestors for gifting me this life. For giving me the chance to be happy, with the Cullens and the Uley pack by my side.

A/N: I know it took me a bit to finish this chapter, and I thank you for waiting. It might be a week till the next chapter comes out. I have a lot of new ideas for stories right now and I'm enjoying how far this book has come since I posted it. Thanks for the views and the votes, I hope you have a grat day/night and I'll try to have the next chapter in a few days. Thank you for waiting, and I'm sorry about how short this chapter is. I just wanted to post what I have for now and be done with it. I'm also loosing interest in this book but I will try to finish it. Thanks again!

The Designer Swan (Edward Cullen) *Discontinued/Rewriting*Where stories live. Discover now