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When I texted Sam I didn't think there were two more wolves that shifted, nor that someone was here from Mystic Falls. They had good intentions. I knew it had to be the Klaus Mikaelson. He had sent a witch to track me and I let her, because shes not a Bennett. And I knew exactly who she was working for. Of course I was surprised when I opened the door and see him standing there, eyes sparkling with mischievousness. I remember what Sheila said about him, cold hearted. But he had a soft spot for his family that he wanted back. I offered my help, and he came so here he is. I open the door all the way, "you can enter, but don't think for a moment I'm taking to you flirting with me." he smirks at me and walks in taking a look at the place. "And here I thought it would have a more witchy vibe." I laugh a bit and shake my head. It's hard not to relax in his presence. I knew he wouldn't hurt me; he needed me. "Mum and Sheila talk about you, you know." his head snaps towards me. Mum and him were best friends before she ran away. Hes practically my uncle in a sense. "How is she?" he questions me with sincerity making me smile, "Shes great. Happy." I tell him honestly, she misses him. Her biggest regret was not getting to say goodbye to him. Hell she was close to all the Mikaelsons. Well except the parents. We sit and talk, catching up. I told him about the little detail that his mother didn't want him knowing and he was pissed.

Hell I would be too.

He had a part of him locked away because his mom blamed him for HER cheating on her husband. It wasn't his fault. How could it be? He wasn't even thought of. Hell he wasn't supposed to be born but here he is, in the flesh. I told him to just compel her to give him her blood and make sure she does have children so there will be more doppelgängers around. More of them means more blood for hybrids. But I did also tell him let others have a choice, choices comes with respect and responsibility. He agreed to it but Edward walked in at that exact moment and looked between us and smiled. I forgot he could read minds, probably read Nicks. "Sorry Eddie, Nik came and I didn't expect him coming today." He shakes his head and sits by me then turns to Nik. "I'm Edward, Amy's mate." Nik stares at him for a moment before nodding, not sure what he was looking for but I guess he found it. "Niklaus Mikaelson." he says before turning towards me, "I'm going to head out, I'll leave my number on the frig." I smile slightly, "Make sure no one knows you know where I am. Bonnie has been a bitch and I stripped her powers." he smirks at me before kissing my forehead and speeding away. I look at Edward before laughing, "Did you have to surprise him? You knew he was here!" he chuckles at me and nods "I did. I did know. Alice had a vision and I had to meet him." I shake my head and get up walking to the kitchen seeing the number on the frig after all and i text the number telling him its my number before putting my phone in the counter. I open the frig and get a apple and bite into it. "I still can't believe you surprised THE Niklaus. It's hard to surprise him." He raises a eye brow at me and I sigh. "Hes the big bad hybrid. Werewolf and vampire. Hes the only one in the family that can reproduce because of his werewolf side. Shits going down in Mystic falls and I'm not going there till everything settles down." I say to him with a slight smirk on my face. I'm proud to call Nik a uncle. He was probably there when I was born but had to leave right after. He can never stay out in the open to long unless its in his plans. Hes skilled and ruthless but hes kind and loving towards me and his family. "So Alice was wondering if you wanted to go on that trip this month." he asks me and I hop and sit on the counter looking at him. "No. I have to train Eric, remember? Hes the only member that hasn't practiced fighting or his gifts he has from being in my coven." Edward sighs nodding before leaning on the counter beside me. "You know you can't hide from Mystic Falls forever." I look at him like hes crazy. "Edward. They will use me or kill me. Would you rather them find a way that is possible for me to die or have me safe and away from them?" I'm furious. How can he say that? I'm not hiding. I'm surviving, I am only here because dad is here. Hes my last link to mom. Sheila is dead and mom is too. Of course I can hear them in my head sometimes but that isn't the same. I shake my head when I dont get a answer. "Go Edward. I don't want to talk anymore." He sighs before heading towards the door and turns towards me. "I don't want to loose you. I'm just saying.. Maybe it's time to face the music. You can't hide forever." he says before walking away and closing the door. I sigh knowing that he isn't right and he doesn't know whats going on over there. And I'm not explaining it to him because he would still try to get me there and I'm not going up against vampires that would use me for my gifts considering I'm more advanced than any witch in the world right now. 

I look out the window jumping off the counter and walk outside climbing into the hammock on the porch and I lay in it. I bought it for Jared because he likes to stay outside most of the time before he goes to bed. I use it when hes not at home because its nice to just chill once in a while. I don't get to much. Only to see my coven and to shop for food when Edward didn't pick anything up because he was busy with his family or hunting. Jared eats a lot and I have to pick up triple the amount of food because some of the pack comes over for dinner sometimes.

I smile when I hear a wolf howl and then Jared comes out of the woods jogging over to me and kissing my forehead. "How was patrol?" I ask him scooting over letting him lay down next to me trying not to fall off. He wraps his arm around me and snuggles into me. "Good momma. Sam says hello." I laugh a bit when I hear Sam said hi. He never comes over because he has a imprint he lives with and he doesn't normally get time with her because of him protecting La push lands. I sorta wish Jacob would take up his role as Alpha but hes to far in Bella's ass to do it. Shes dating him just to make Edward 'jealous'. Which isn't working and shes furious because of it. I check my phone when I hear it ding and see it's from Edward telling me he'd come home tonight because his family is taking a hunting trip that wont be done till atleast 11pm. So I texted Jasper and him good luck on hunting. Jasper sent me a salute and Edward sent me a thumbs up. Jasper and I are the closest because hes like my big brother I never got and Edward is fine with it.

I cuddle into Jared and he squeezes me softly. "whats up momma?" he asks me sounding concerned making me sigh. "Nothing really just worried for my god father, Nik. Hes had a side of him locked up because his mother isn't the best person." I tell him honestly. You can't get anything passed Jared, or any of the wolves. Well besides Jacob, he just doesn't care anymore. I hear him sigh and nod his head. "I get it. I have yet to meet him but I'm sure he will be fine. From what you've told me hes strong." I smile and nod knowing hes right. Nik has been through hell and back because his parents are evil bastards. I relax just laying here with Jared, its hard not to. Even his imprint, Kim is nice about it. Shes chill around me and calls me her mom at times but not around her birth mom because that would be awkward. I knew it would be alright, atleast for now.

(A/N: I know this is on hold and will still be on hold but I figured since it's getting so many views I'll update a chapter since I can actually think of what to write in it. Enjoy and please be patient with me I'm trying not to just discontinue this book as it is. Have a great Easter and a good day/night.)

The Designer Swan (Edward Cullen) *Discontinued/Rewriting*Where stories live. Discover now