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Today I'm heading towards Forks high school to visit Jess and them for lunch. Me bringing my lunch aswell so I can eat with them. I park in my normal parking spot which no one seems to park at. I grab my bag and step out closing the car door locking it. It might be a school but you can't trust kids now a days. I walk towards the school only to be picked up and thrown over Emmetts shoulder. I am so killing Alice! "Emmett! Put me down!" he lets out a booming laugh. "No can do princess. Edward wont stop complaining how your not here. Your coming straight to lunch with me." I sigh and prop myself up on my hand letting myself relax. It's not hard to relax in Emmett's presence. I mean who wouldnt, hes a big cuddly teddy bear. Kinda hard not to.

Once we get there everyone is quiet besides Rosalie who is talking to Alice about fashion. "Great I'm not as important to my bestie." Just then I'm out of Emmetts arms into Jessica's making me grin wide and squeeze her into a hug making her fall to the floor laughing. Angela comes over and throws herself on us too, along with Eric who just couldn't stop joining in himself. I laugh at them while they pile on top of me and each other. "Guys! Calm down, I'm staying for lunch." Thats when I hear Edward pouting making me laugh more. "Guys you might want to get up, my boyfriend isn't happy hes not getting attention." Jessica laughs a bit and everyone gets up grabbing their lunch and piling into their table with me on Edwards lap. Thats when Alice speaks up, "So I was thinking about going on a trip, all of us." I nod a bit, "Anywhere but Mystic Falls." They all groan and nod knowing why I can't go there. As soon as I go there everyone there might know who i am. My magic pours off me at times if your sensitive to that its really easy to tell. "Volterra, Italy." I hear Eric say causing me to laugh "Really? The city with the government that will let us draw attention as soon as the Cullens step foot there?" I question him making sure that he knew why it was dangerous, yes they knew about me because I'm soul bonded to the kings that they are protective over me but with them, my human friends before they even are immortal? That is dangerous. "Ames it's fine. I can have Carlisle call them to let them know whose visiting." I hear Jasper say making me look at him and smile alittle. It would be great to see Marcus again.. I'm not sure where they would stay that wouldn't put them in danger. 

This town is small, so it's unlikely for any vampires to come here unless they want to make a scene. Plus they wouldn't because I'm here. If they did they need to have good intentions since me and the la push pack agreed it was a good idea. I'm not sure because it could end badly, unless I have Aro have some of his trained guard them... Jane might do it, she adores having me around.. or Alec who is attached to the hip towards me.. "I'll think about it." Is all I say before i start eating my food which isn't much since I wasn't feeling that hungry for lunch. I know I'm probably worrying over nothing but Alice's visions aren't always absolute... They change till the choices are done.. It could end horribly and I could loose my coven. 

Why do they want to go now? Of all times.. I thought we agreed when we started this coven and I made them half immortal that we wouldn't go until they were all 19 or older. Eric is 17 for crying out loud.. Hes the weakest of the coven because he doesn't like hearing the witches voices unless he needs to. He hates training because it takes up to much of his free time..... I look towards him sighing quietly but I know the vampires hear because of their worried faces. Alice knows whats going on probably because shes seen this. I don't want Eric hurt. Hes my only soul sibling I have and I would loose my other half. Hes my little brother I wish I had but I couldn't. Even Sheila and mom loves him but sad they didn't get to meet him. Mom is always following him around when she knows I don't need her at that moment. I even told him this and he smiled throughout the day even though he couldn't hear her. I look down thinking before I look up at Eric. "Eric we can go, but you must train for a month. I'm sorry I just can't have that chance your not strong enough and wont have us around. The witches power can only do so much.." he looks at me and nods, "I get it sis, your over protective." I smile at him. He was the understanding one, always supporting my choices and listens to me when I need it. Thats what makes our bond so strong. Sometimes our feelings overboard Jasper to where he looses control of his gift and projects it towards everyone in the room. It was funny when they arrived here and he couldn't control it till he got used to it. 

I look at the time and see its 2 minutes before the bell rings. "I have to get going. Sheila wants to try training me a bit more to control one of my magics I can't control very well." I tell them getting up and kissing Edwards cheek and giving Eric a hug. "I'll see you later." I smile at them, "Bye!" They all say making me laugh and walk out to the parking lot getting into my car. I see something in the woods making me stare there and I see Sam's wolf. He nods towards me and runs off. Hes not supposed to be here? I should probably go later when I'm done with my training. I'll send him a text when I'm home, hope everything's alright. I sigh and start the car and drive off having a feeling something bad is about to happen, and sadly... My feeling is never wrong.

(A/N: I know I put these alot over the last few chapters but this one is short because I am really running out of ideas. So I might just put this story on hold for a few weeks till I can figure out where I want to go with it. I hope you guys understand and if you want to give some ideas I'll be fine with it. Have a great day/night!)

The Designer Swan (Edward Cullen) *Discontinued/Rewriting*Where stories live. Discover now