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(outfit above)

It was the next day and I got woke up by Bella stomping around, ordering me to get her breakfast but I walked out into my car and drove away. She needs to learn to take care of herself because she is 17, once she is 18 shes getting kicked out. Charlie said so himself, he can't stand her much less than the next person she meets. Pretty sure shes already banging Mike Newton when she snuck him in last night. 

I pull up next to Edwards car and jump out locking it. I look around and see Bella pulling in with her crappy car making me chuckle lowly. Of course, Charle got her that to punish her, I mean otherwise he wouldn't have bought it but he knew then I'd have to drive her. Which thats one of the top things he never wants, me almost killing her because she has to ride with me.

I walk over into Edwards arms making him kiss my forehead and we watch Bella stare at us before she huffs and walks into the building. I already warned Jessica and the rest of our group, she just said she would pretend but the moment my half sister insults me shes throwing hands which I'd pay to see.

We start to walk in and I see Isabella and Eric, see hes like a little brother to me but hes oblivious to the stares Bella is giving him. Shes disgusting with how shes looking at him, like decency... Ever heard of it?

I walk past her before Eric waves at me, "Hey bro, see you at lunch." he nods with a big smile, always looking up to me. I think it's adorable, Edward says hes my soul brother which makes sense. I made the whole group but Mike immortal. I mean he never was there as children so he got added after everyone had the spell on them. Once they turn 23-25 which ever age they want they will stop aging. Jessica said she would when she turned 24 so people wont keep questioning her if she is legal to drink, which is very fair on her part.

I walk into the class me and Edward shares, which is Biology and I see Bella walk in not even 5 minutes later making me cuss under my breath. I look at Edward with a small smile, "Good thing we are partners huh?" he turns to me with a smirk, "Only because you insisted." I give him a playful glare, "Your mine, I should stake my claim." I told him making him laugh a bit before Bella comes to our table, "Move. I want to sit next to him." I look at her before smirking. "I don't think my boyfriend wants to sit next to you. Do you babe?" I look at him making him shake his head, "Nope." I turn back to Bella and see shes shocked but angry. "Boyfriend?" I nod my head before sending her a spell making her walk away and sit by Mike making me roll my eyes, of course they are having sex.

Bella was a huge problem in our class, she kept trying to get with the teacher which earned her a detention with a GIRL teacher. Now every male teacher is warned and they are extremely uncomfortable with Bella, which is funny to watch since in Gym class she thought she could get with Couch Clapp who is MARRIED to my art teacher. I was throwing hands then because I love his wife, they are second parents to me and they know it. Hell I'm there for Christmas along with MY father. 

I walk over and get my lunch after I walk into the Cafe to Mrs Clapp and take my lunch from her giving her a hug before walking over to Edward with a smile on my face. "Ready to have lunch?" they all nod making me laugh, they love my food because they can actually eat it without tasting trash.

I hear Jessica introduce each Cullen, actually being nice about it. Which she wouldn't have done if I wasn't in her life, I know this cuz ancestors talk a lot. I haven't heard Sheila's in a bit but Abby who is my mom said shes fine and shes watching what Bonnie is doing, which isnt a lot since she can't use magic. 

I'm glad I did wear something light today because Bella ended up trying to fight me. Which didn't go her way because everyone but Mike stepped up infront of me, now she knows no one but Mike is on her side. And Mike will try to come back once he knows shes using him, but sadly that will never happen because we aren't letting him in on the group.

After that I drove around town with Bella trying to follow me but with one spell she lost me and I drove to the Cullens place where I agreed to meet them. I step out of my car with a smile on my face, Rosalie is wearing something that Sheila got her with a smile on her face. Jasper probably in on the couch like always either playing video games or correcting whatever he can on his world war books Sheila got him. Edward only got one thing, a necklace which he can get little messages from his mother sometimes. It makes him happy because his mom can still say she loves him to him which in return makes me happy. 

Rosalie takes me inside and I sit on Edward's lap which makes him smile at me and I see Esme in the kitchen probably putting plates up because I know that they just ate.

I look towards Jasper and I was right, hes reading his books which makes me smile at him. "So what are we doing about your half sister?" I look to see Carlisle has came home early and that he asked the question making me sigh and move around on Edwards lap getting comfortable. "I'm not sure, I mean she will get curious about your eyes and stuff but I'm not sure." he nods a bit in deep thought, "Should we get the Volturi involved?" i look towards Alice and she nods her head, "If it gets out of control. They do like Amy." I grin at that, yeah Aro is my soul uncle which makes him want me to stay in Italy but he can't keep me there. He knows that, but he does want to call every weekend which is what i did before Isabella came. He did know that shes coming thanks to Alice. 

"Okay we will wait, but if it gets to out of hand we need to contact Aro." 

The Designer Swan (Edward Cullen) *Discontinued/Rewriting*Where stories live. Discover now