Wedding Bells

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Things are moving very fast for Kate and Jose jrs wedding we had no idea that he came from money and had his own money as well. I think the fact he dressed in the cheapest clothing he could find and he shared an apartment with Kate and Ethan made us think he had came from a poor family. We never noticed he always paid his share of everything and on time every time. We still don't understand what he does for a living but he always has money coming in. I thought the same thing about his friend Anastasia as well.

The wedding was put together very fast and Kate got everything she wanted. It was a huge wedding. Jose jr and sr stood at the altar together as groom and best man. Kate had Mia as maid of honor. I walk her down the aisle and her mother is crying because her baby is getting married and having a baby. I don't quite understand how she can cry about this, when this is what she has been pleading our children for for years. Oh well. Soon I give her away to Jose jr and we are now family. Kate has tried to hold it together but she couldn't because her morning sickness got the better of her. We were prepared for it to happen and Jose made sure she didn't get anything on her wedding dress or even anyplace else. He hired people to assure she had something next to her to throw up in just in case. They were ready with things for her mouth as well. The wedding photos were great between the throwing up. The food was delicious but odd choices and the cake was great. They headed for their honeymoon and when they got back Kate was over her morning sickness. She came back to work tanned and well rested.

Jose looked after everything he could for our wedding including assuring someone was there to make sure my morning sickness didn't cause my dress to be ruined and to assure I had a receptacle ready lined with trash a trash bag and they had something to rinse the tastes out of my mouth and mouthwash to rinse out my mouth. The rest rooms were equipped with toothbrushes as well, the wedding dress was perfect and only needed dry cleaned after wearing it all day. It is stored away now. Our honeymoon was perfect and Jose made sure it was. I might have married him in college had I known he could be this romantic and loving. But I wasn't ready yet.

Jose jr
Dad was not happy about me getting Kate pregnant, but he was happy I was marrying her because he didn't want his grandchild to be born out of wedlock. Dad met Kate when I rented the room in Portland with her and Ethan. He was concerned about her designer clothing and everything else about her. She doesn't cook, clean or much else around the house domestically. Even though we had staff doing things for us dad made sure we cleaned up after ourselves and learned to microwave at least. Anastasia taught me the cooking basics just to survive. I miss her frozen meals but Ray put a stop to it when she went into the hospital from exhaustion, dehydration, anemic and we learn she is pregnant. I got up to speed quickly on cooking and dad had to hire a cook as well as Ray. They kind of hired sisters to cook for them. The food is different than Anastasia's but it's nutritious enough. I have had a nursery put in the house. And Kate can pick out the colors she wants and anything else she wants. She doesn't want to breast feed our babies and I understand her reasoning behind it.

Elliott and I are single and we aren't seeing anyone seriously at this point. He and I are just not finding a good relationship. Dad and mom have tried to set us up but they don't know how to choose for us.

I bumped into the brother and sister that I built their company's building for them and they invited me and Mia who happened to be with me at that point out to dinner with them. We were all headed to Christian's new restaurant so we decided to eat together. Ingrid and Daniel Lindeberg are twins and they are co owners of a new business that implements internet shopping and delivery from their new building they have computers everywhere and a warehouse that had things arriving a departing all the time. My company set it all up for them. I had always wanted to go out with Ingrid but she was engaged and I could never get her to go out with me. I guess her fiancé was killed in a skiing accident a month after the business was opened. It is three years later and she seems to be living her life to its fullest. Daniel can't take his eyes off Mia. He had never met her before now.

Elliott looks better than he did three years ago and he seems more grown up. He still has his security around him and apparently Mia has her own as well. I decide to ask him out on a date before we go our separate ways. I think Daniel has already asked Mia out on a date. They are huddled looking at her phone and his whispering while Elliott and I are watching them. I finally just ask him out for dinner by ourselves. He agreed to it and gave me his number.

I am mesmerized by Mia Grey and we exchange numbers and look at our busy schedules for an opening to go out. We finally find time early in the mornings to go on a date. We sync our calendars with each others and we make plans for three mornings and finally found a night we can see each other as well.

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