Two Bodies Found

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World News Today
A man and woman were found chained to various locations in what appears to be a dungeon with a bed, whips chains along with various implements that suggested they tortured others in this room it also suggested they had sex in the room after further discovery. We aren't releasing the names of the couple until we know family members are notified. The residence is that of Elena and Richard Lincoln who moved here to assure they weren't extradited to the United States for their alleged crimes. They were tried in absentia.

I saw the World News Today article and I just know it was Elena and Richard Lincoln and they finally got what was coming to them. I read the description of the couple and there is no doubt it is them. I breathe easier knowing Mirabelle won't know her real mother.

Jack Hyde
I pick up my sister from prison and we head out for home. She assures me that the women have became very useful members of society. All three donated their organs, plus other useful body pieces. I really don't want all the particulars. She couldn't get the information on the babies they had. My babies and her nieces or nephews. I got news of them all being pregnant and found out the timeframe of the pregnancies. We can't find out where the babies are, their birth dates, or what sex they are. They were all taken from their mothers immediately after their birth. No other records exist on them.

Alyssa Miller
Dan and I adopted this beautiful little boy and flew in to pick him up in Washington State, Alaska is going to be a good place to raise children. Brian David is a year old now.

Caren Richards
I look at my one year old son David Allen named after my now deceased husband who was killed in a car accident three months ago. I am now living in Seattle after I had to sell our home in Hawaii. I thought coming back here might be nice. After all this is where we picked him up after he was born. I am living in a nice area near the sound. The yard is perfect and surrounded by high fencing on all sides.

Robert Pearson
Colin and I adopted our one year old son from the state of Washington. We went there to pick him up. Indianapolis is a good place to raise him. We moved here for our jobs and so far so good and Albert Edward is thriving.

Caseworker Anderson
My files are all encrypted and not easily found. I do all the closed adoptions from all over the state of Washington. When the government decided to start the program of prisoners children being adopted by out of state couples who were at the top of the list and passed all our requirements we were thrilled about it. I have ten people working directly for me.

I read the world news and see the Lincoln names mentioned and realized these were Stella's parents who were wanted for far worse crimes than she was sent to jail for. I am glad I never met them or took their case. I think about Elliott and how much stronger he us now. It has been years now since he was left in his car. Luckily everyone involved was found and are behind bars. Because of the nature is the case Elliott's name was kept out of the papers. Once the story was released a multitude of victims came forward. The snowball kept rolling until witnesses were called for twenty days against them.

I look at the news that Carrick has shown me and I think about Elliott. He and Ingrid are planning their wedding and this needs hidden from him. They are almost there and the wedding is in two weeks. Mia and Daniel are going to wait to announce their pregnancy after the ceremony during the speeches. We know about it because they ran into me at dr Greene's office and they were holding a sonogram. They couldn't hide the ear splitting grins on their faces. Twins is what they found out they were having.

Ingrid figured out that Mia was pregnant before she and I did. Her appetite had grown from barely eating to eating everything in sight. Ingrid told us to announce it during the speeches at her and Elliott's wedding. I think about how he proposed to her and laugh about how the waiter interrupted Elliott as he was down on one knee to get him to move out of the way for other diners to get through his body was that big and muscular and his leg was almost to the next tables chairs. Poor guy stood up sat in his chair and asked Ingrid in that way. The waiter didn't get a tip. I don't blame him the waiter was being an ass to him. He was also a guy who had been turned down by Ingrid for a date. She had a word with his boss before we left. Elliott had too much class to do anything but not tip him. The guy kept trying to egg Elliott into a fight. Elliott just ignored him. Mia and I were with them that night. She called the guy on his BS as he was doing it. The last straw was him stopping the proposal.

Mom caught us with the sonogram and our huge grins and knew we had just walked out if dr Greene's offices. She knows we are expecting twins. She knows we are going to announce it at the wedding during the speeches now. I am sure she is going to tell dad as well. I am going to get big since I am carrying twins. Daniel is thrilled about our twins not being identical. There were two little beans in the photo. He hopes it will be one of each like he and Ingrid. They are very close as twins and siblings.

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