College Diplomas

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We watch as Teddy, David and Jose Jr accept their college diplomas. Mirabelle Gold is the speaker this year and she has done a great job. She is working for me at GEH and doing a great job. Daisy and William married and had two more children who are both the youngest in the family and we include Mirabelle as our niece and my parents treat her as their granddaughter. There are many more adopted children but they are older. We adopted a couple of teenagers and it started the ball rolling to do the same in my siblings and Anastasia's siblings. At first it was hard, but we learned to love and communicate with each of them. They still have their moments and we cope, but they know that we won't turn our backs on them ever.

Jose Jr.
Dad would have loved to see this but he died a year ago. Kate touches my arm and I feel better just from her touch. We are holding our first grandchild Jose number four. Elsa and Jose III surprised us by eloping and announcing their pregnancy a year ago. The baby is 11 months old. She didn't know she was pregnant because of her cycles stopped and her birth control did that to her so she had no idea until her OB/ GYN tested her before refilling her pills. They found out she was due in less than a month. So they got married quickly. Then they gave us the news. Luckily we was glad to know they married and we could babysit while they finished their college education.

Christian and I have had some troubled times because Ray had a stroke and we tried to get him to stay with us, but he refused. We finally hired someone to help him out. They helped him out of a lot of money. They were caught with it thank God. Losing Cheryl did a real number on him. She had a heart attack and died in her sleep. Two months ago he left us to join Cheryl. The estate took too long to go through and none of us wanted to go through it. Carrick took over with help and we knew they would be fair to me and Ariana, but he left Daisy something as well. Daisy lost William to cancer just after Mirabelle started college. We were all here for her and their children Mirabelle took it the hardest, but she never stopped attending college and put her all into it.

I am attending high school graduations today. I miss William so much. I don't notice the man sitting next to me holding his granddaughter in his lap.

Noel Campbell
I have seen mrs Gold a lot and I have wanted to talk to her for a long time. I knew she lost her husband to cancer like I lost my wife to it. They passed away within days if each other. She was there by her husbands side just as I was by my wife's side as she and him fought the hardest battle if their lives. I finally get a chance to chat to her and ask her how she is coping with her loss after so long. She smiles and says one moment at a time and you? She remembers me and my wife.

I tell him I recall him from the hospital and during the chemotherapy they put our spouses through. He asks me out to dinner with him and his family and I ask if I can bring my family as well. He laughs and says sure. Apparently we have reservations at the same place and the same time so he asks to put our families tables together.

Three months later
I married Noel Campbell and we blended our families together. I had no idea Mirabelle was dating his oldest son at the time because she has been so busy she hadn't introduced him to me or her to his father. What a shock. What can you say. They are related by blood so it shouldn't matter at all.

I just think it is amusing that we had no idea, but Daisy said we can't stop them from marrying if they want to so we just go with the status quo and they are faults and soon we are attending a wedding.

Noel jr and Mirabelle are married. The little girl is now Mirabelle's adopted daughter. Maggie's mother died in childbirth. Noel jr had to fight to get custody of the girl because her parents were trying to stop him from taking her from the hospital even after his name was on her birth certificate as the father. They did a DNA test and he was the father. The parents tried to kidnap her from the hospital. Noel jr caught them and gave them a choice of going to prison or stop trying to take her away from him. Apparently they went to an attorney and set up some visitation arrangements for her parents to see Maggie. So far it is working out for now. They are working on it a lot.

We never gave up and because of that we have a lot of blessings and a lot of family. I miss dad greatly. I know we all do. The children miss his Santa Claus routine. All his grandchildren do as well even the older ones do. Carrick and Grace tried a mr and mrs Santa Claus but it just wasn't the same as dad and Cheryl.

We have a grandson and my parents spoil him as much as they spoiled us and our children. I am happy I took a chance on having more children because we were very blessed with our children and then we adopted more children. I still can't cook, but we have cooks and a lot of staff that needed the jobs so we are providing work and salaries for them.

Wishing for grandchildren I finally got my wish and now great grandchildren who knows. Enid is showing off their great grandchild. Carrick and Eamon just shake their heads at us always wanting more family.

The End
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