3 - Riolu and Combusken

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- Ikitsu's POV -

'It's been a week since Rengoku and I became Pokémon in this new world. It took a while to get used to being a Pokémon but we pushed through. It was nice that Arceus gave us extra information about this world like what berries do and stuff like that. I entered a cave with my arms full of berries.

-------- A week before --------

I open my eyes and see that I have blue and black fur. 'I guess it worked?' I looked around only to see a small bird "Rengoku is that you?" The bird who I assume is Rengoku looks at me and then replies "Yes, then you must be Tomioka?" I nod in reply to the small bird who is Rengoku.

 'I guess it worked?' I looked around only to see a small bird "Rengoku is that you?" The bird who I assume is Rengoku looks at me and then replies "Yes, then you must be Tomioka?" I nod in reply to the small bird who is Rengoku

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"I am rather small!" Rengoku yells as I pat him, feeling how warm the feathers are to my touch. "You must be that Pokémon called Torchic. It makes sense because of you using flame breathing" I said to him before noticing a river nearby. I go over to the river to look at my reflection. "I guess I am a Riolu," I said to myself.

 "I guess I am a Riolu," I said to myself

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---- Present ----

"I see you have arrived with more berries Tomioka!" Rengoku sees me place the berries on a large leaf we found earlier. "Yes, I have" I gave an Oran berry to Rengoku as we started to eat the rest of the berries. "Rengoku, You can start calling me Ikitsu if you want" I swallow what I was eating after speaking "Then you may call me Kyojuro!" He said as he ate he still continued with his UMAI habit.

"While I was getting the berries I found out that we're in Alola but I don't know where" I looked at the entrance of the cave we made our home. "I wonder how we got here when we're from a different region" Ren- I mean Kyojuro said finishing his berry. "We should train" I stood up and got out of the cave with Kyojuro as we started to do some training.

--- Time skip ---

'Kyojuro and I understand how Pokémon moves and I've gotta say we're learning very fast' I use Metal claw on a tree near our cave as Kyojuro uses Ember at the tree next to mine. We continued to do these attacks until a Pokémon yelled out of nowhere. "HELP!" Kyojuro and I look at each other before running towards the cry for help.

"Your gonna pay for taking my berries" A black lizard said as a brown dog was backed into a tree as the lizard then used Venoshock as purple flames was about to hit the dog I used quick attack and then Quick Guard to protect the Pokémon from getting hurt "Kyojuro, your move" I told him making the lizard who I think is a Salandit look at Kyojuro and get hit in the face with an Ember which for some reason was more powerful causing the Salandit to run in pain.

"Your gonna pay for taking my berries" A black lizard said as a brown dog was backed into a tree as the lizard then used Venoshock as purple flames was about to hit the dog I used quick attack and then Quick Guard to protect the Pokémon from getti...

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Kyojuro then started to glow blue after using that move and once the blue disappeared he had taken a different form.

Kyojuro then started to glow blue after using that move and once the blue disappeared he had taken a different form

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So this is what Pokémon evolution looks like' I go over and help the dog Pokémon that I think is called a Rockruff. "Are you ok?" The Rockruff sits up and nods. "Thank you for helping me" Kyojuro then joins in "No problem! Happy to help!" I sigh as he starts to speak loud causing the Rockruff to flinch.

 "Thank you for helping me" Kyojuro then joins in "No problem! Happy to help!" I sigh as he starts to speak loud causing the Rockruff to flinch

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"Kyojuro, quiet down. You might alert the other Pokémon nearby" Kyojuro laughs it off as I have a deadpan expression. "Well for introductions. I'm Tomioka Ikitsu, just call me Ikitsu. The Combusken over here is Rengoku Kyojuro '' The Rockruff looked at us confused "I'm Rockruff. Nice to meet you?" I noticed the confusion from Rockruff and I couldn't help but ask. "Did we say something to confuse you?" The Rockruff nodded at us as its tail moved from left to right. "I know that Trainers give their Pokémon nicknames but it's strange that you guys have two." Me and Kyojuro looked at each other and then back at the Rockruff.

"We don't have trainers, '' Kyojuro explained, gaining a deadpan expression from Rockruff this time. "Maybe next time let's not introduce ourselves with our last names'' I said as a sweat dropped from the side of my face. "Well thank you for saving me! But I have to go now bye!" The Rockruff said leaving, going towards the strange battlefield I saw before.

We walked back to the cave as we continued to train our Pokémon moves to get stronger. Not only did we train our moves, we trained our breathing techniques as well. Before we knew it the days had turned into 5 months.

Hey Everyone! If you're still reading the book than thanks for continuing to read the book! Sorry that this chapter is short I'll try and make the next chapter longer. If you have any comments of advice or suggestions just comment them down thank you!

(934 words)

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