9 - From Techniques to Visits

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- Ikitsu's POV -

'It's... A technique of sorts' I looked away trying to avoid the now wondering looks from them 'I can explain it to you if you want!' Kyojuro offered as I nodded as Kyojuro started to use his newly learnt telepathy.

'We call it Breathing Techniques!' Everyone flinched at how loud his voice was 'A bit quieter, Kyojuro' I said as he became a bit quieter and spoke. 'The technique is about how you control your breathing to make your body strong enough to use special forms that can imitate either elements or species!' I could see Rotom was saving the new information.

"Wait. If it's just about the way you breathe then wouldn't that mean that we could use it too?" Ash asks as he continues to eat his food. 'Yes, It is possible to learn it but training for it might take years to master' I reply.

"Years huh?" Kukui repeated 'Well we can talk more on that later it's very late at night!' Kyojuro speaks aloud earning a bonk on the noise from me 'You might disturb the other wild Pokémon sleeping' I gave him a deadpan expression once I said that as he apologized and went to bed for the night.

---- v ----

- ??? POV -

"Well done, ???. I believe ??? is currently in the Alola region right now. If you wish to go back to him. We thank you for all of your help" The small Pokémon said to a taller Pokémon "Your welcome ". I looked over to the full moon over the small Pokémon and after I finished speaking, I looked at the wonderful scenery of stars around it.

"Now that the threat to ??? is gone, I don't believe we'll be seeing each other again, so this is farewell, ??????" Another Pokémon said as I nodded "Farewell to you as well" I jumped into the shadows and started to run.

- 3rd person -

Back with the two legendary small Pokémon "He's going to run all the way there isn't he?" One said as the different colored hexagons are the only thing that sets the Pokémon apart. "What do you expect? After all that Pokémon is ???'s one" The other Pokémon said as they both thought one thing for the Pokémon that had just left them.

"Goodbye and farewell! Stay safe Greninja"

---- v ----

- Ikitsu's POV -

"How's your time with Ash?" Onee-san asked as we sat on a table as I now looked like my old self. "It has been rather enjoyable" I replied giving her a smile that she returned back. "How are the others on the battlefield?" Her smile became softer.

"Tanjiro and his friends are at the sword smith village currently in battle against some more uppermoons" I gave her a sigh in response 'Just a few months ago Tanjiro and his friends were fight upper six why is it so hard for them to stay out of trouble?'.

"Everyone is growing stronger even Giyuu. Ehe" Nee-san said as I looked at her and wondered 'What does she mean 'ehe'?' But recovering from my confusion I smiled "That's nice" I said before a brief moment of silence.

"If you want we can ask Arceus for you to visit Tanjiro or Giyuu" 'What?' That was my first thought as I looked Onee-san in the eyes and saw she was speaking the truth. "Your friend Sabito did that. With Makamo or was it Makomo I forgot her name... But they both visited Tanjiro and helped him train!".

'I can do that for you as well Ikitsu' I heard from behind me as both Onee-san and I saw the God standing before us. 'You are strong enough to be there longer than the boy, Sabito.' My eyes widened 'Sabito visited Tanjiro? Since when?' "Thank you Arceus, but maybe another time I have a feeling something will happen tomorrow" I replied bowing my head.

'I see. Well you can ask me anytime, if you want to go and see your friends from beyond this world' I smiled before waking up from my dream biding them goodbye.

~ Pokémon secrets ~

Arceus: 'Well with Ikitsu and Kyojuro going out to help the chosen one in his journey in Alola is quite lovely. Don't you agree Tsutako?'

Tsutako: "Yep. He might not know it yet but Ikitsu is going to meet someone dear to him"

Arceus: 'Yes that is true. But now it's time for the Pokémon secret. Did you know that the chosen one has been brough back to life at least 6 times'

Tsutako: "Honestly, he should be taking much more care of himself"

Arceus: 'That's it for this chapter and you'll see Ikitsu on the next on: Old Friends and Kanto'

(777 words)

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