1 - Fugitive

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"Greetings, Everyone. Following the investigation held today at the Nermia Station, Devil Hunter Associates have recorded new information regarding a fugitive of Public Safety. This Devil Hunter's whereabouts and identity remain a mystery to the public. It appears as no coincidence that this individual is responsible for the recent outbreak of Devils in Kyoto. No further evidence has yet been discovered regarding the incident, though several victims have recieved gruesome---"

The TV screen cuts to black.

A young man breathes a noise of distress. Slowly rising his head from the counter, he tried to grasp the tranquility he was inside; a peaceful, though secluded, udon chain restsurant - but sadly, the entrance was pryed open before the young man could do so.

A pair of red sneakers trap their steps through the sturdy wood of the restaurant as they enter. Watching from the front counter, the young man instantly recognized the person's Public Safety uniform.

That person, Denji, now revealing himself, raises a hand as he approaches the young man from a distance.

"Hey! You Kojo Satsuki?"

The young man slightly nods, confirming his identity. "To what do I owe you the pleasure?" Satsuki mutters.

The unwavered energy that emerged from Satsuki's body kept Denji on guard. Somehow, it seemed as if Satsuki was appeased by Denji's arrival...


Satsuki peers down at his right arm - it was no longer attached. His eyes slowly widen as they followed his amputated limb, rolling past his foot and towards the depths of the front counter. From Satsuki's severed wound, thick streaks of blood spray everywhere, before the rose-liquid instantly stains the floorboards.

"Well, this sucks," says Denji disappointingly, revealing a hatchet in his right hand. "Some udon would be pretty awesome right now... but you're one of the bad guys, right? It's best to come peacefully dude."

Satsuki gradually cocks his head. He showed no form of reaction towards his anguish. "Ah... You guys found me already? What a shame..." Removing himself away from the counter, Satsuki slowly approaches Denji. "You say for me to come peacefully... Yet you unhand me before I can even get a proper word out." Then, Satsuki stops - just inches away from his opposer. "And here I'm thinking that Makima is dead, and Public Safety wouldn't come looking for me. Man... It really is a shame."

"Huh?" Denji's body stiffens. "Makima...? Dead?"

Satsuki groans and shakes his head. It was a clear sign of disappoint due to Denji's cluelessness. Then, slowly, his eyes brought forth a flare that brimmed no energy, a hostile creature with no spectrum of emotion. "Forget it. Guess I'll just kill you then."


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