3 - Pleasure in Tokyo

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plays with Meowy with a chaotic behavior. She mimicks the cat's meowing in her ruthless grasp, who was just as feisty and as happy as Power was.

 She mimicks the cat's meowing in her ruthless grasp, who was just as feisty and as happy as Power was

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"We weren't able to find any leads on Kojo Satsuki." Aki's words direct towards his phone while he watches the city from his balcony.

"What a shame." Responds Makima's voice from the other end. "Any leads on Denji's whereabouts?"

"Negative. Special Division 4 is still carrying on the search. I reexaminated the scene at my residence; Denji still isn't here either."

"I see... And what of Himeno? I heard she's been unavailable from her duties recently."

Aki falls silent, trying to come up with an appropriate answer. "Himeno has currently been handling other business matters."

"Oh? And what would you happen to know of that, Aki?"

"...Sorry. That's all I know. I'm certain whatever the reason is, it must've been important."

Makima sighs. This was another outcome she didn't have any control over, and it was becoming an irritating matter for her. "Alright. I would appreciate it if you were to resume your investigation with---"


Aki's coffee table flips, the sound of the impact abruptly catching his attention. He quickly peeps from the blinds covering the balcony view, darting his eyes at Power. "Hey! Keep it down!"

"'Tis feeling..." Power's body trembles with fear, her legs closed together due to an immeasurable pressure eroding from the other side of the apartment door. "Something's... approaching us!!"

Aki slowly rises from his chair, concerned. "What is it? A devil?"

Power shakes her head. The morphed confusion on her face alone showed that she couldn't comprehend to identify who was coming for them, but the aura she felt behind the door had her body frantically aching. This power she felt was something beyond her capabilities.


Aki's head jolts towards the door, as he quickly unsheathes the needle katana from behind his back. The doorknob is knocked off it's hinge, and the apartment door unsettlingly creaks open...


A hatchet is thrown, traveling across the room at straight flight. It strikes Aki's phone right out of his hand, piercing the screen and pinning the phone against the wall, which quickly malfunctioned.

With immediate retaliation, Aki rushes forward. He leaps away from his balcony, moving past Power's cowering body and sprints towards the door, rushing his needle sword from his waist. He was ready to inflict the Curse Devil's powers with the peircing of his blade, aiming it towards the unknown. "Now!" But before he could stab his mysterious opponent through...

Chainsaw Man: Pleasure DevilWhere stories live. Discover now