The new teacher

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***Sam's pov***

The bell rang. Everyone was annnoyed because our class teacher who teaches us history was possibly the most hated teacher of our class. He was very strict and sometimes just punish his students for no damn reason.

Everyone went to their seats. Unfortunately, the weirdo was sitting just beside us. The teacher came. It wasn't our teacher. Turned out that he got transferred to another school and the new teacher was his replacement. We thought that the new teacher will also be like him. But we were wrong. He was very nice and sweet. It was time for our attendance. We found out that the weirdo's name was Reha. She also had a friend named Shea.

Days passed and the new teacher became very close with us. He was like our friend more than our teacher. Marie was the most mature and sweet one in our group. She always handles every situation very easily and maturely. She was also the 'Therapist' of the group. She was the only one who can handle our(including the teacher) chaos calmly. Everyone in our group and the teacher call her 'Mom' to tease her. She could even handle the weirdo easily. But since few days, she has become more quiet. It was like something is bothering her.

To be continued...

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