School Trip

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***Sam's pov***

It was another normal day. We went to school. And we found out that there is a school trip for 4 days which everyone in class 10 must go. So that means my another time for gay panicking because duh me and Abhi will be staying together. Also our history teacher will be going too. And everyone knows how much of a drama lover he is.

***Next day***

We went to school at 6:00 in the morning because of the trip. Freel was late. Marue and Sofia sat together in the bus. And our dear drama lover made me and Abhi sit 2gayther(pun included).
After some time Freel came. Poor her, she had to sit with the driver. She couldn't enjoy the scenerio of Marie and Sofia with us.

After some time I felt soo sleepy because I always wake up at 9 am. So, I decifed to take a small nap in the bus.

After some time, I felt a hand creasing my cheeks. The person said, "Hey! Wake up we already reached our destination". I slowly opened my eyes. And guess who it was. Abhi. It was him. I was blushing like a tomato that he asked, "You okay? You look so red. Have a fever or sum?" I just replied, "No". He said, "Well! Lets get out of the bus or Marie is gonna kill us".

Then we got out of the bus and saw Marie, Sofia, Freel and our teacher giving us a weird smirk for at least 5 minutes. After that, oir teacher said, "Lets go and unpack our bags. Somehow we're in the same room." Marie said sarcasticly, "Yeah, 'somehow' you got a very good chance to enjoy the tea". Then we all went to our room and guess whose room was just in front of our room. Reha and Shea.

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