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***Next Morning***
***Sam's pov***(God why is it so easy to write in his pov?)

I woke up finding myself curled up to Abhi and hugging him. I remembered what happened in the night. I accidentally woke him up while trying to get up. He woke up and lightly kissed my lips.

"Hey! Someone might see us." I said shocked at this move.

"So what? I'm gonna do whatever I want with my boyfriend." he said.

"Boyfriend" Idk why but this word coming from his mouth for me just feels soo...nice.

*knock knock*
"If you two lovebirds are done romancing, can we please go and have breakfast? Its already late and everyone's waiting." Marie says peeking from the door.

"Wait! How do you know?!" I asked her.
"If you're gonna kiss at least close the door. I came to check up on you two to make sure you're alright and guess what I saw? Two donkeys kissing each other. Now get up. I'm getting really HANGRY." she says.

"YES MOM!!" me and Abhi both say at the same time.
Marie got out saying, "Don't call me that"

We changed and went to the others holding hands.
"Oh would you look at that? Some people finally decided to show up. and also did you two fuck or not bcuz observing that hand holding I am expexting things." Freel says sarcasticly.

"NO! It was just a kiss. And also did Marie tell you?" I said.

"How dare you say smth like that about my pancake. She's not a backstabber. You two are just too obvious." Sofia says.

After some time Marie came back with the food. "Ok everyone eat up and be energetic." she says.(And she says she's not the mother of our group)

Sofia was eating and also feeding Marie since she was woring with a assignment given by our teacher for our group. I also decided to help her and now Abhi was feeding me. "Not yall making me feel single af." Freel says dramatically.
"Don't worry Freel, you're not alone. I'm here too." Our history teacher says while coming towards us.
"You're literlly married." Freel replies.
All of us started to laugh like psychos.
Days went by. Our friendship was the same. My and Abhi's love grew for each other more and more. Freel also got a boyfriend. Marie and Sofia were also good. But some how Reha always seems to create an obstacle for me and Abhi. Idk what problem she has with us. And her best friend Shea was also helping her.


***Abhi's pov***

Today was my and Sam's two year anniversary.

He knows that I got us reservations at a restaurant, what he doesn’t know is that I have a surprise for him.

“Hey Sammy” I say as I walk into our bedroom, I was allowed to pick his outfit for today, so I chose black skinny jeans and a pink hoodie. I hand them to him, “strip, but don’t change right away~” I tell him, winking.

Sam blushes, “Yes Daddy” he says, getting off the bed and stripping himself.

“Bend over on the bed, sweetheart” I tell him before going to the closet and picking a few things out. I go back over to Sam and set the items down, “Such a beautiful ass” I say, squeezing his ass as I smirk.

Sam whines, “Don’t tease” he says

I just chuckle, “you aren’t the boss here” I say, smacking his ass.

“Ahh! Daddy!” Sam whines, pouting, he’s adorable when he’s mad.

I rub the spot where I spanked before I start rubbing a finger around his hole, “Such a pretty boy” I tease, nibbling his ear before I shove my finger all the way in

He just whines, trying to stick his ass out more, “you want more fingers, slut~?” I ask, he nods quickly, I chuckle, shoving two more in, “Ahh” he moans, closing his eyes.

I thrust my fingers deeper before finally pulling them out, “ready for your suprise, baby boy?” I ask, kissing his neck, “A-ah~ yes daddy!”

I pick up the vibrator, making sure his hole was streached out enough, before shoving the toy into him, being sure it hits that one spot “such a good boy” I tell him after he moans.

“Now, get dressed and Ill turn that in when we get there. Do.Not.Cum” I Instruct before going to the living room.

About an hour later we arrive at the restaurant. We both get up and go inside.

“Reservation for Abhi Akar?”

“That’s me” I say, she smiles and leads us to our table. It was in the middle of the restaurant. I smirk at Sam, waiting until he sits down before I turn the massager on high, “A-ah” he moans, as quietly as he can, I sit down across from him, “what’s wrong, baby?"

To be continued...
Words count: 819
(I am sorry for not updating. I was really busy with other stuffs. I will try my best to write this story)

Ngl, the next chapter's gonna be more spicy.

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