Part: Idk

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***Sam's pov***
I was so curious about who is Marie's crush. So, I requested her (more like annoyed her) untill she finally told me. She has a crush on  Sofia. For some time I was shocked but realized that it was pretty easy to guess. I am wondering why I didn't get the idea earlier. But now I'm stuck with a thought. How am I gonna survive my huge crush on Abhi. And on top of it, Marie is giving little hints about it to everyone else.

⚠⚠⚠Time skip⚠⚠⚠

It has been a year. Marie confessed to Sofia and we found out that Sofia also had a crush on Marie since the day she saw her. They started dating. At first our teacher was against it (not because he's homophobic but because they are too young to date) but evenatually accepted it because they are just so cute. No one can handle their cuteness. I'm wondering if I should confess to Abhi or not. My little crush turned into deep love. What should I do?...

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