Why is Marie feeling low?

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Everyone knows that Marie is stressed about something but didn't ask her.

They were hanging out just like usual. They went out to watch a movie. The teacher went to buy the tickets and Freen, Abhi and Sofia went to buy snacks to eat while watching the movie. Sam and Marie were all alone. Sam decided to ask Marie what was wrong.

***Sam's pov***
"Hey! Marie" I said.
"Yes" she replied with a soft fake smile.
"You know that you can tell us anything, right? You know we won't judge you. And you can tell when you're stressed out about something. You don't always have to act happy when you're really not." I told her with a worrying voice.
"It's nothing. Don't worry." she said.
"If it's stressing you out, it's definetly something serious." I said.
"Was it that obvious?" she asked.
"Yes. Now tell me what's wrong?" I said.
"It's just that I am in love with someone." she replied while sighing.
"Hey! It's alright. Everyobe falls in love. What's wrong with that?" I said to her.
"You won't understand." she said.
"Well, then explain it to me." I said.
"It's a girl..." she said.

I was shocked. I mean I'm not homophobic, I was just shocked. She never told us anything about it.

"Please don't tell anyone. I'm not ready yet. When I am I will tell them myself." she said.
"Hey! Don't worry. Your secret is safe with me. But first tell me who the lucky lady is. Maybe I can help you confess to her." I said.
"First confess to your crush yourself then think about helping me." she said while giving a teasing look.
"My who!?" i asked.
"Abhi. Everyone knows about you having a big fat crush on him. We all saw the way you were blushing when he held your hand." she said.

Her words made me think about it. I mean my heart always beats fast when I am near him. When ever i have a bad day all I wanna do is hug him. I am comfortable with him. Do I ...love him?

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