High School is MY school (4)

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"Smile and wave babe." I whisper and see the growing smile on his face. His arm is around my shoulders and my arm sits just around his waist in a lovely, girl-friendly way.

If fucking only.

Everyone stares at us as we walk through the hallway. The sea of students part to make way for us, I feel like a Jew.

We are the power couple. Everyone cheers us on simply because they think we are "relationship goals" and "mad cute" and shit. We have been dating since the 9th grade according to the members of our school and general community. Not us though, we know better.

"Still tapping that!" Mark yells across the hall to Aaron as I burn holes into his face.

"What's up Adeline." He smirks at me and I flip him off. "Lovely as usual." He remarks sarcastically. "You guys coming to the party tonight?"

"Wouldn't miss it for the world." I reply dryly. These parties are getting old.

"What time is the team planning on going." Aaron asks and I roll my eyes. I will never understand why he insists on going everywhere and doing everything with his God forsaken team.

"Around 11:00pm."

"What house? Main?" Aaron asks. There are many fraternity groups I, Aaron, most of the cheer squad, and his team are secretly apart of. We are high school seniors, but the college kids accept us into there parties because frankly we are just that fun and freaking awesome.

"No, it'll be at Lax. Noah rented out the whole club for his birthday. The whole school is suppose to be there and some serious VIP guests. Tonight's going to be fucking awesome. It's too bad your lady friend is coming, we could have gotten some serious ass tonight." He looks at Aaron pitifully and then back at me with a smirk.

"Blow me." I respond and watch as he falls to his knees.

"Yes please." He gives me a mischievous smile and let's his tongue hang out of his mouth like the thirsty dog that he is.

"Fuck off man." Aaron laughs as I smirk down at him.

"Haha, alright, later." He gives us a playful smile that we return and walks away. He's alright. I've known the kid for years and for some reason every time I see him we pretend to hate each other, but we don't. I actually would want him as a friend. He's smarter and much nicer  than he lets on, but whatever, what we have is okay too.

Aaron walks me to my class like the gentleman that he is, kisses my cheek and says "I'll see you later babe." Just like every other normal school day. And just like every other normal school day I hear "AWWW! They are so cute together. I can't believe they are still together! How is that even possible? They are totally getting married. Their babies would be so hot. UGH I NEED A BOYFRIEND." Every single fucking day.

If only it were true...
I would be the happiest woman alive.

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