Rebirth (8)

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"26 missed calls, 10 voice messages, and 43 texts." He states glaring down at his ridiculously large Android phone.  "And I thought I was a little loony." He says quirking an eyebrow up at me.

"He's not loony. He's just...  Persistent. A quality you share actually." I say with a small smirk.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever." He says, tossing his phone onto my laps.  "Call," he demands.

"I think I'd rather text,"  I decide. He responds almost immediately and I can't help but grin, I love when he's furious and over protective. It's gratifying to know that he cares so much. We chat for a few before finally pulling into the club's parking lot. It's weird how dead the area is during the day time.

"YOU FUCKING SCUM!" I hear Jake roar as soon as we get out of his car, followed by a loud bang. I turn in a heart beat and almost scream. Jamie's body is laying flat on the ground next to a metal garbage can, bleeding from his lip, and I think there's blood on the back of his head.

"STOP!" I screech and try to shove Jake off Jamie's body. He doesn't stop. I slap and punch him over and over again, but all he does is bark in anger and drive his fist into Jamie's face harder and faster. So I do one of the only things a girl can do in this situation; call for help or ram a heel into someone's eye. I don't plan on sheesh kebabing anyone anytime soon or stab the man I love with a blade so I knock him over the head with my heavy new shoe instead. His eyes finally fix on me instead of on Jamie, he's red, completely red.

His hands grip my shoulders and shove me back hard against the ground. My head hits the concrete and I can't help but whimper in fear more than pain. His hot breath fans my face as he says "This is your fucking fault."  His hands still grip my shoulders tightly as he hovers over me. His eyes are full of anger and hatred. My Jake is gone, completely. His brother has spoken to be about his anger issues when he was younger, maybe at 13 or 14, but never have I seen it in action. Tears fall from my eyes as his fill with unwavering rage. I struggle to free myself from his strong grip around my hands, but to no avail; I'm stuck, as usual.

"I never loved you," he spat, his words slicing through me. "You were always a distraction from who I am. You were a cover up and nothing more. Now you can't even do that anymore because you are such a whore. You always need someone's fucking attention, and now because of that I have to pay." He pulls out a copy of People's magazine with the front pages headlines reading "Lover Boys Got a New Girl" And a picture of him tucking my body into his chest to hide me from the cameras, but instead of concealing my face he accidentally made it look like I was cuddling into him with my face fully on display. "I have a million missed calls from my parents thanks to you. What do I tell them now? Everyone knows Adeline. Everyone knows you cheated on me. Everyone is going to ask questions. Everyone will wonder why I am not satisfying you. I'm fucking perfect, what more can anyone want from me? I'm perfect, I'm perfect, I'm perfect, I'm perfect. Everyone will know Adeline, they will find out!" He says pulling hair from his head. "Your going to pay Adeline. Your going to pay for doing this to me. I told you I wasn't ready!" He shouts fisting my dress. My eyes snap shut as I cry and beg him not to hurt me, but all he hears, all he sees is the pain and embarrassment I've caused him. His hands make their way around my neck as he slowly tightens his grip. I mentally rack through all the things my trainer has ever taught me, every single one and scream internally as I realize that not one of them will work if all my limbs are restrained. Just as I am about to lose all hope and give into the peaceful darkness that is slowly encapsulating my mind Jamie rises from the fucking dead behind him.
"J-Jake? Please, please s-stop this." I choke and watch as his agony streams from his eyes. His grip around my  throat loosens as he gently lays my body back down. "Please stop hurting me." I continue trying to guilt him into letting me go. His head hangs down in defeat as Jamie's raises his long leg and powerfully kicks him square across the head.

"Stay back," Jamie warns as he approaches Jakes limp body. I can't ignore the large contrast between us as he speaks to me. His eyes are wild, he's full of anger and adrenaline as opposed to me. I can't really feel anything, I'm not even sure if I am breathing. Everything is fuzzy, my body feels droopy and slow. He's talking to me, but I can't make out what he's saying. I know I'm here on earth, but I feel like Im in the clouds. My mind tries going over what just happened, but all l can really focus on is the way he looked at me. His eyes full of disgust and hate.

I love him, but he hates me.

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