Falls and Fails (5)

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(What Adeline wears to the club)

"Heyyyyyy Ad-dele!" Nelly slurs and shoves a red cup in my hand just as I entered the club. Thanks, whore. I mentally scoff.

"Hey babe, what's up? Having fun?" I say instead.

"Fuck yeah I am! I already got fucked and it's only 11:00!" She screams as if it were some accomplishment. I smile and nod my head as if I were happy for her and rush to walk away.

"I need another drink." I say to Aaron and pull him away from her. "Desperately," I add and he laughs. I put down the drink she gave me and make my way towards the bar. I'm not drinking that shit. It's probably got herpes all around the rim of the cup.

"Danny boy! Haha, my man. What's up?" Aaron asks the bartender as I roll my eyes. Of course he would be on first name bases with the bar tender or uhm.. 'Danny boy.'

"Aaron, hey bro! I'm good how you been? It's been forever, how's the wife?" He laughs and smirks down at me. "It's nice to finally meet you Adeline." He smiles and kisses my hand. A French accent evident in his voice.

"l' plesure est pour moi," (the pleasure is all mine)

"Hey! Don't go all je quama blaba on me guys. I would still very much like to be apart of the conversation," Aaron says teasingly.

"Oh shut up you Brit, this is the first time I get to converse in French outside of my house." I say and he frowns.

"You two can chat later! Let's get fucking drunk!" He roars over the crowd and everyone hollers  in response, bringing a triumphant smile to his beautiful face. "Three shots of tequila please."

"Make that 5 Adele!" I hear my friends voice and squeal.

"Jasmine, Anna? Oh my God! What the fuck are you guys doing here? HOLY SHIT HI!" I yell and run up to my girlfriends. Their arms wrap around me and I immediately feel tears stinging my eyes.

"Surprise my love," Anna says.

"Oh my god. You guys! What happened to Milan?" I ask getting worried. Jasmine and Anna have been like sisters to me since freshman year and recently moved to Milan to Pursue a life long fashion dream.

"Miranda gave us two weeks leave and we thought what better way to spend our break then with our favorite girl for her 18th birthday." My eyes well up with tears from the good news and I can't help but allow a few to shed.

"Ugh I missed you guys so fucking much." I laugh and wave my hands over my face to dry my tears so my makeup doesn't run.

"Aw how sweet." Mark comes up behind Anna and gives us a wide smile.

"Mark you bastard, you knew." I laugh and wipe the tears under my eyes. His eyes twinkle with amusement as he nods in response.

"Your welcome sweetheart." He says reaching over me to grab the tray of shots. "Ladies and gents..." He pauses and raises his shot glass high in the air to toast, we follow. "To a night of fun, so much fun we'll regret it in the morning." He smirks and we all laugh.

"Cheers!" We all smile and down our shots.


A few vodka bottles later and It's 2 in the morning and I can't find Aaron anywhere. I lost him around 1:00am and now I'm starting to think he left me here. I tell the girls, Mark, and a few other friends that joined our little group that I will be right back and make my way over to the bar in search of Daniel, maybe he knows where Aaron went. Sweaty bodies push me around the club and I end up even further from the bar than I originally intended, either that or I'm so drunk I'm walking backwards. My back bumps into a hard chest and then I feel a cold drink spill down my back and into my dress. Well fuck.

"Watch it!" A man roars and I cringe.

"Well fuck, If you think you can walk into a club and not get bumped into at least a million times your in the wrong place, asshole!" I glare up at him as his eyes flare. Okay this dudes fucking hot. He looks oddly familiar, but I can't place my finger on it.

"You fucked up my favorite shirt."

"Yeah? Well you fucked up my favorite dress!"

"Oh please, that cheap thing?" He smirks and I resist the urge to slap him.

"It's fucking Chanel!" I scream and he laughs.

"Yeah, last seasons." He comments and I swear I can feel my blood boil.

"Move." I spit and shove passed him. I shove my way towards the bar only to find a different tender. They must have switched shifts. Fuck! Aaron put my bag in his car and I don't have the keys. My phone is dead and all my cash is in there so I can't even call a cab. My eyes drift to Aaron's beloved Audi R8. I must admit it's a beautiful car and the ride is smoother than the Silk Road. What the fuck am I saying? Okay what ever. I internally roll my eyes at my alcohol soaked brain. I walk over to the car in the parking lot and note the creepiness of it. It's freakishly quite and dark. This is probably the part where girls get raped. I mean if you think about it, it's the perfect setting. No one is around, it's dark, back of a club...
"ITS ALSO THE PERFECT PLACE TO FUCK!" I scream out loud and immediately regret it when I see Aaron's and Daniels horrified expressions.
"ARE YOU FUCKIG KIDDING ME?" I yell and punch my fist into his car window and break it. That's fucking right, I'm fucking strong. The glass shatters and slices Daniels cheek. "Bien fait pour vous. vous putain briseuse de ménage!" (Serves you right. You fucking home wrecker) I growl as his eyes catch mine.

"WHAT THE FUCK ADELINE!" He yells at me and shoves his dick back in his pants. He opens the car door after checking on his beloved Daniel, not bothering to even acknowledge my bloody fist that's probably fucking broken. "WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?" He yells coming up to me.


"COULD I WHAT ADELINE? WHAT THE FUCK DID I DO? IM GAY YOU SAID NOT TO BE ASHAMED! YOU SAID TO BE ME! IM BEING ME, ADELINE!" He yells getting in my face. I scream and push him back against the car and slap him as hard as I can.

"FUCK YOU AND YOUR PRECIOUS FAGGOT!" I yell at him and run away.

I hear him call my name but I don't stop, I keep running. My eyes are burning with tears, I cant even fucking see straight. My head is light and I think I can feel by brain drowning in the large amounts of blood circling in my head. My lungs, oh god, my poor lungs. I can feel them slowly shriveling up. My feet are fucking killing me. Tonight was a terrable night to wear such high stilettos and such a terrably short dress. I should have known he would have pulled this shit on me! I am after all the dumb ass who told him to. I want him happy, but I want to be fucking happy too. I want to be loved. Is that so wrong? My legs give out and I feel something really hard bang on my head.

"Shit! are you alright?" someone says gently shaking my body, I groan to tell the person that I will be fine and to fuck off, but I can't seem to open my mouth and get the words out.

"James! look over here!"

"James, is that your girlfriend?"

"Over here buddy!"

"James one picture with the girl, just one!"

"Who is that?"

"What kind of idiot falls like that!"

"Why is your girlfriend running away from you, James?"

"Alright back up everyone, enough! She's hurt and I'm taking her. Out of my way!" Is what I hear before a comfortable and silent darkness comes over me.

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