Normal (2)

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Cruz Beckham plays Timothy (Tim) .  😭😘

"Mmmm, it smells amazing in here." My dad beams walking into the kitchen.

"Thanks Hun." She smiles and swiftly kisses him.

"Morning dad," Timmy and I say at the same time.

"Where is everyone?" My father looks around the kitchen noticing it's strange silence.

"Madeline's is out back practicing her goals, she's got a game coming up. Lilly's sonataing away in the attic, she said if anyone disrupts her genius today, she will personally decapitate them. So obviously I didn't call her down for breakfast. Ethan is at football practice, and I am going to be late for art." I say hurriedly getting up and gulping down the rest of my coffee.

"Take your brother!" My dad calls after me.

"Shit." I breathe and rush back into the kitchen.

"Let's go Tim, I'm late." I groan at his slow pace and mentally curse his short legs. My hand finds my keys in my messy school bag as I hop into my 8,000 pounded 2017 Land Range Rover, she's my beautiful monster. I love to drive unnecessarily large cars, even though I look odd in them. I'm around 130lbs, but I am quite tall for a girl, 5'7 last I checked so I guess it evens out.

"Why do I have to go to damn school if I already know ten times more then everyone else there? Why can't I make my own decisions already!"

"Hmm, maybe because of the fact that your not even 4ft yet." I laugh and meet his eyes through the rear view mirror; only to find his favorite finger flicked up at me.

"So where are you going anyway?" He asks.


"Oooh! Take me with you!" He pleas and I scoff.

"No way, he's my boyfriend and I barely get to see him. Today is my day alone with him." I say rolling my eyes at the fact that I have to lie to him. I love Aaron, I do, but I don't lie to Tim, ever.

"Okay." He sighs and looks out the window dramatically.

"Oh don't do that, I'll make it up to you. I promise. How about I take you out with Aaron after school? Hm? Get some ice cream?" His face immediately lights up and I'm glad.

"Sounds like a plan." He nods as I pull into his day schools drive way.

"Do you like it here?" I ask.

"It's alright, I guess." He shrugs.

"What do you mean 'it's alright,' This is the best school in California, Tim. What's wrong with it?" I say sitting down on the steps and pat the spot next to me for him to sit down.

"There is nothing wrong with it, Adeline. It's fun. But, it's still a place for kids to get dumped off by their adults so they can go do fun, adult things."

"I remember when I was your age I couldn't even read properly yet, but here you are, analyzing the adult world." I said shaking my head in amusement. He's always been the smart one out of all of us. He smiles and looks away.

"I just feel like I get in the way sometimes, you know?"

"I think that's the dumbest thing you've ever said." I smirk as he shoves my shoulder.

"Well shit, Ad, I'm trying to vent and your fucking up the moment," He says.

"Oh, honey, you need to learn to control that potty mouth of yours!" Ms. Marron cries and I can't help but laugh.

"Is there something you find funny in a child's use of profanity Ms. Binoché?"

"Listen lady, we pay you to keep him in check, not me." I say and  turn on my heel to walk away. "Au revoir, Mme gênant." (Goodbye Ms. Annoying.) I say and hear my baby brother laugh.

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