The Dream...

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sorry this is sooo late... i'll make it up to you later.

i walk around the the cafeteria, trying to spot i back in kindergarten? i hear someone mention "twins" and stop. twins? i haven't seen any twins around here. i can only hear bits of the conversation, but i manage to catch their names. Hikaru and Kaoru? I guess they're new. i finally spot Haruhi, and walk up to her table. i sit across from her.

"did you know that there are twins here?" she looks at me, then shakes her head.

"no, maybe they're new?"

"i don't know. from what i could tell their names are Hikaru and Kaoru." she nods and continues to eat.everything swirls around, and then im at the school playground.what just happened? its snowing. wait a minute, this feels familiar? i notice the twins sitting on the bench holding hands. i walk up to them.

"hey you wanna build a snowman with me?" i ask, and they look at me.i swear ive seen this before.

"which one of us are you talking to?" the one on the right asks.

"to both of you silly."

"theres nobody here named both of you" the left one says.

"ok, than im talking to Hikaru, and Kaoru."

"hold on, how do you know our names?"

"well, your the only twins i can think of that go to this school, and i have only heard the names of one pair of twins. i was just guessing that was you guys."

"so can you tell? which of us is Kaoru, and which of us is Hikaru?" they say in unison.oh! this is that image i keep seeing! i point to the one on the left.

"well i think, your Hikaru."what am i saying?! that's Kaoru! how come i couldn't tell?

"you guessed wrong." they say. the look on their faces makes me feel like the worst person ever.

"im so sorry, please don't cry!"they just looked at me, surprised by what i just said. i don't understand, i can tell them apart now. maybe i just couldn't tell when i was little. then everything swirled around again, and i was standing in front of Ouran with Haruhi. hey! this is when we were turning in our entrance forms! i remember this!

"wow, this school is incredible!" i say, admiring the huge building.

"if we are admitted, do you think we'll even be able to handle it here?" she asks, and i smile at her.

"well, yeah! Arai said he thinks we'll pass the entrance exams too, so if we can do that, im sure we can manage!" i give her a thumbs up, and she smiles back at me. then it starts switching to different memories of us with the club, from us opening the doors, to the twins fighting. then, everything goes black.


i open my eyes to see that im in my bed. "wasn't i just at the club?" i sit up so that im sitting with my legs hanging off the bed.

"we had our driver drop you off." i turn around to see the twins looking at some of my pictures.

"what are you guys doing here?"

"well, you fainted. so we had our driver drop you and Haruhi off." they turn to me.

"i heard that! i meant, what are you two doing in my room?!"

"we had to carry you in here. Haruhi said since we were already here, we could stay." they say happily. i sigh and walk over to them.

"hey, um... when you were little, where did you go to kindergarten?" they looked at me, surprised.

"Hanamaru Kindergarten, why?" i gasp. that's the same kindergarten i went to!

"oh i... well... its nothing" they look at me, i can tell they aren't buying it, i sigh. "well, its just..." i trail off.

"its just what?"

"its just..." i change the subject, "hey where's Haruhi?!" i say, laughing nervously. they look at me for a minute.

"she said she needed to go shopping, now continue." i sigh.

one explanation later...

they stare at me, then they look at each other, then back to me. "if you can tell us apart now, than how come you couldn't tell us apart back then?" Hikaru asks, and i shrug.

"im still trying to figure that out myself, maybe it was because i didn't know you guys very well, but that's not what im confused about. what im confused about is why i forgot about it until now." i say, and they look at each other for a moment.

"maybe it was because you never talked to us again after that?" i shake my head.

"no i dont think so., i mean, i think that part of it. i think... maybe... its because i wanted you to forget." i say, and they look at me. i see the confusion and clarify, "i mean, to tell you the truth, the way you two looked, it made me feel like the worst person. i think i stopped talking to you because i thought you would become sad when you saw me, and i wanted you to forget because i didn't want you to think about that moment anymore... and then i forgot ended up being the one who forgot." i say, and then they smile.

"you know, its kind of funny," i tilt me head, "we never forgot, because that was the first time we ever played that game, and since we wanted someone to tell us apart, we kept playing. but we thought no one would ever win after a while because no one ever did, and then we met Tamaki, who guessed right, but he just guessed without a reason, so it didn't exactly count. and now, you, the person who we played it with for the first time and guessed it wrong, has met us again years later, with your sister, and guessed right, with a reason." i stare at them

smiling, i say, "is it just me or has this moment gotten really deep?" we laugh and then Haruhi walks in.

"hey guys. oh, Homura, your awake. what's so funny?"

we explain to her what we had been talking about before she came home and she nods. "so, sounds to me like you guys are closer friends than we thought" she says with a smile. i smile, but i was a little bit sad. we may be closer, but we'll never be close enough to the point where i can tell them about my wings.

end of chapter. so we finally know the backstory behind those images. i hope you enjoyed it. let me know what you think ^-^

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