Well, This Is New

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"guys, im really sorry!"

"how could you?!" Hikaru yells, anger written all over his face.

"why didn't you tell us?!" Kaoru adds, same expression as his twin.

"you just don't understand-" Hikaru interrupts me.

"what don't we understand, it seems pretty clear to me!"

"what was I supposed to say, 'oh hey guys just so you know I have wings'?!"

"no bu-" Tamaki started but it was my turn to talk.

"but what?! If I told you, how was I supposed to know you wouldn't call the police or something? how was I supposed to know I wouldn't end up as a test subject for the next lucky scientist?! How was I supposed to know you wouldn't reject me or abandon me? How was I supposed to know..."


my eyes shoot open as i sit up. after a minute i realize it was a dream and let out a sigh. This didn't surprise me all that much, ive had these types of dreams many times, just its normally random people instead of people i actually know, and normally instead of talking, they scream and next thing i know there are police and scientists and all that stuff.

"its about time you woke up" i hear a voice say behind me, causing me to jump. I turn around but all i see is Neko.

"hey kitty, what are you doing?" i pet her head.

"well i was trying to wake you up, im hungry!" i stare at her. hold on, what?! That was her?! since when did she talk?! Since when could i understand her?!


"come on, im hungry!"

"since when can you talk?!"

"what do you mean tal- wait, you can understand me?!" i just nod. she seems to pause for a minute, but soon looks at me.

"we'll talk about this later, just feed me!" she jumps off the bed and runs out of the room. I stand up and slowly walk to through the door and into the kitchen where she was sitting by her bowl looking up at me. I grab the food from the pantry and poor some into her bowl.

"thank you" she says before she starts to eat. I watch her, star struck. Haruhi walks in and waves a hand in front of my face and i snap out of it. "huh? what?"

"you ok? you look like you just saw a ghost."

"i don't know... um... Neko!" Neko stopped and looked at me.

"yes?" i turn to Haruhi and motion my arms to Neko.

"you hear that right?!" she raises an eyebrow.

"yeah, of course. What about it, she meows all the time?" i stare at her, then at Neko.

"i guess your the only one." she says before continuing to eat. i grab Haruhi's arm and pull her into my room. After i close the door she gives me a look.

"what going on, why did you-"

"Neko... can talk. Or at least to me... i-i don't know! i woke up, and she talked to me, a-a-and-" i stuttered, but Haruhi interrupted.

"whoa, calm down, breathe." i took a deep breath and she smiled. "ok, now, what do you mean Neko can talk?"

"well, when i woke up she talked to me, and when i was in the kitchen she answered me when i called her, with words!"

"are you sure?" i nod, "ok lets think, there has to be a reason that your the only one who understands her... oh! What about the whole, 2% avian DNA thing, you got that one ice power from that, that one time! Maybe this is like a new power and you can talk to more than just her. What if you can talk to all animals?" she said. i thought about it for a minute and realized she could be right.

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