Honey Can Fight?!

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crap crap crap crap crap! how do I escape? there's gotta be a way to get out of this, right?

"miss Fujioka, its time to choose one." one of the maids say to me, prodding at my clothes. I pull away.

"yeah, about that, i wont be swimming today."

"and why exactly is that?" she raises an eyebrow.

"because im not comfortable with wearing a swimsuit in front of all of them." i lie.

"why not, its just a little skin?" she's really making this difficult.

"its more than a little, it shows my entire back!"

"well then just wear a swim shirt over the top" i sigh. how can i get out of this now?

"but i-" suddenly she pulls off my clothes and shoves me in a black bikini, somehow missing the fact that i have wings. i back up until my back is touching the wall. "h-how did you do that so fast?! and where's the sim shirt?!" she throws something towards my face and i catch it with one hand before it makes contact. i look at it to see that its a shirt. i slip it on and then walk out with a sigh.

"nice work ladies" the twins praise the maids and i roll my eyes. Haruhi walks out in a pink two piece suit with a weird hat thing. Tamaki also walks over and looks at us, his face turning red. he looks away to hide his face and holds out two sweatshirts.

"here, its improper for ladies to show that much skin before they're married." Haruhi takes one and i push the other away.

"no thanks, its pretty hot out here plus, I'm already wearing it, so i might as well keep it on." i say as i walk past him. i start towards the chairs when Honey runs over and clings to my arm.

"Homu-chan! you wanna share some coconut juice with me, or do you wanna piece of the mango cake?!"

"yeah sure, why not?" he spins me around then runs off. i look over at Mori who is watching a bird fly into the forest.

"hey Homura, wanna go check out the water slide?" i hear Kaoru ask behind me, i turn to look at them.

"sorry, im not swimming today. i'm only wearing this because its hot here and i had no choice."

"oh really, is that so?" they step towards me smirking.

"oh no" i turn and start to sprint. after a minute their footprints stop. i turn around to see their gone. "wha-" they appear behind me and next thing i know they're holding me over their heads and running towards the pool. this is bad. they stop towards the edge.

"are you ready, were gonna throw you."

"no! im not swimming!" they take another step forward.


what do i do?!


"no please?!"


"i cant swim!" i yell, interrupting them. they immediately freeze. they put me down in front of them and stare at me.

"why didn't you say something sooner" Hikaru asks.


"how come you never learned?"

"well, i guess i never really gave it much thought." that's not true, since i have wings, i cant wear a swimsuit in public, and we cant afford a private place to go swimming, so i never learned how.

"if you want we cant teach you."

"no thats ok, i think ill just sit this one out" its not like it would do me any good to know how to swim.

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